Clawback of provincial gas tax contribution could affect infrastructure projects in Brampton

Clawback of provincial gas tax contribution could affect infrastructure projects in Brampton

With the clawback of the provincial gas tax increase, Brampton’s transit projects stand to lose out on as much as $30 million over three years in funding allocations from the Government of Ontario. In 2017, the Liberal government promised a doubling of the gas tax, but Doug Ford is planning on kiboshing it.

This year, Brampton has received about $13 million in gas tax transfers from the province, the fourth largest allocation out of 107 municipalities.

A confessional: Jagmeet Singh’s new memoir forgets the author’s central story, why he wants to be Prime Minister

A confessional: Jagmeet Singh’s new memoir forgets the author’s central story, why he wants to be Prime Minister

Love & Courage: My Story of Family, Resilience, and Overcoming the Unexpected is Jagmeet Singh’s new book. While it reveals some deeply personal and dark secrets, it leaves readers wondering why he wants to be our leader and how his life’s experience might make him the right person for the job.

Tensions over Mexit resurface while Deloitte sits in hot seat at regional council

Tensions over Mexit resurface while Deloitte sits in hot seat at regional council

Thursday’s Peel Region council meeting continued the debate over a controversial report commissioned by Peel chair Nando Iannicca that suggested keeping the region together would be much cheaper than splitting up.

Mississauga councillors questioned the credibility of the report after it became clear the auditors had not been given access to the cities’ own figures, suggesting that consultant Deloitte was working with incomplete numbers.

PCs announce $1.6 billion fund to prevent teacher layoffs

PCs announce $1.6 billion fund to prevent teacher layoffs

A $1.6-billion “attrition allocation” may temporarily ease the transition to much higher class sizes in high schools and the loss of thousands of teaching positions.

The extra money, announced by Education Minister Lisa Thompson on Friday, could save the Peel school boards from laying off some teachers this year if there aren’t enough retirements.

But it won’t ease the pain of losing electives for Peel students, some of whom have already been told some courses they picked for next year are no longer being offered.

Update: Downtown Reimagined report delayed

Update: Downtown Reimagined report delayed

Staff were meant to come back Wednesday with a report detailing how to proceed with the now halted Downtown Reimagined streetscaping project, which was cancelled in December to give staff time to consider the implications of the newly revived LRT Main Street route and other issues. The report is now expected to come forward on May 15.

Meanwhile, the projected cost of the revitalization is expected to climb because of the need to deal with underground diversion channels in the downtown.

Peel police, victim, appeal to community for help in solving tragic hit-and-run

Peel police, victim, appeal to community for help in solving tragic hit-and-run

21-year-old Navindra Sookramsingh’s heartbreaking plea to find the driver who struck him in the wee hours of St. Patrick’s Day marks an unusual outreach for Peel police for community help.

The Brampton man had been walking home and was in the southbound lane of West Drive when struck by a cream-colored Toyota Corolla.

Sookramsingh, who suffered numerous internal injuries and is unable to walk or move his hands, begged the driver to come forward to show “mercy” and accept responsibility for the accident.

Cuts to Hope 24/7 come as sexual assault crimes continue to rise in Peel Region

Cuts to Hope 24/7 come as sexual assault crimes continue to rise in Peel Region

The region’s only provincially designated Sexual Assault Centre is the second-lowest funded centre in the province, despite its success in helping more than 22,000 victims of sexual assault and related crimes, such as human trafficking, recover.

A 21 percent cut in provincial funding last July, only partially restored this month, has made Hope 24/7’s work all the more difficult in the #MeToo era, where more victims are feeling empowered to come forward. Mayors Patrick Brown and Bonnie Crombie are appealing to the province to restore full funding.

Peel bracing for PC government cuts to social assistance programs

Peel bracing for PC government cuts to social assistance programs

An internal email obtained by The Pointer shows that Peel Region staff are warning council members of funding cuts to Human Services, the department responsible for administering the provincial social safety net, which is overseen by Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services.

This comes on the heels of an announcement by the Ford government that it will cut $1 billion in provincial funding over three years from social services and potentially download more of these costs to municipalities.

Brown denies allegations in media report regarding Hamilton area PC nomination

Brown denies allegations in media report regarding Hamilton area PC nomination

Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown is saying there’s no truth to allegations in recently unsealed court documents published in a story Tuesday by The Globe and Mail.

The documents allege Brown asked for a $5,000 donation for his then-girlfriend, Genevieve Gualtieri, and $2,000 for another individual.

It’s also suggested that Brown was being pressured by the Indian Consulate not to allow a candidate to run in the troubled nomination race because of family ties to alleged Sikh extremism, something Brown says “never happened.”

NDP’s new Black Caucus hopes to tackle equity issues across the political spectrum, Brampton MPP says

NDP’s new Black Caucus hopes to tackle equity issues across the political spectrum, Brampton MPP says

Brampton North MPP Kevin Yarde is part of the first organization of its kind at Queen’s Park.

The five-member group hopes to shed light on issues that particularly affect Black residents and other communities that have been negatively impacted by outdated, narrow-minded policies in Ontario, especially in areas such as policing and education.

The benefits of their perspectives, Yarde says, extend to all residents in the province.

Big Yellow Taxi

Big Yellow Taxi

Today is Earth Day, an odd concept to many. Is there any day or minute or second that isn’t entirely hinged on the existence of our planet? The clock is ticking on how we will respond to the ever-increasing challenges facing a 4.5-billion-year-old creation that has been ravaged by the excesses of man.

It’s been 49 years since the first Earth Day and 49 years since Joni Mitchell’s song was released.

Unless we make clear choices and insist on leaders who face up to the challenges now at our doorstep, our legacy will be mud with future generations. It’s past time we re-created a “clean and green” model – for government, business and day-to-day life – moving forward.

Every day is Earth Day for Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner

Every day is Earth Day for Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner

The forces behind a new clean and green economic model for living are all around us. This movement may be unstoppable, as reminders of climate change – devastating storms, rising temperatures and sea levels, the extinction of species – grip our consciousness. We are now at a planetary crossroad. For those concerned about the earth’s future, there is hope. The movement is gaining momentum. And the profit motive for a green economy is quickly gaining traction around the world. 

Cutting emergency ambulance centres could lead to U.S.-style ‘Wild West’ privatization, paramedics union warns

Cutting emergency ambulance centres could lead to U.S.-style ‘Wild West’ privatization, paramedics union warns

A report by Grosso McCarthy Inc. and Bob DeShane & Associates for the province appears to be providing a blueprint for how the governing PCs will transition to a privatized, for-profit model of delivering ambulance services.

Ontario’s 53 ambulance service centres will be consolidated to 10, a move that aligns with the report’s recommendations. The paramedics union is warning of dire consequences of a “Wild West” American-style paramedic service. Premier Doug Ford has stated EMS service will not be impacted and no paramedics will lose their jobs.

Peel council takes a leap toward expanding affordable housing as home ownership becomes more out of reach

Peel council takes a leap toward expanding affordable housing as home ownership becomes more out of reach

Months after a heated exchange between Peel Region councillors and staff over the slow pace of developing more affordable housing, as prices lock a growing number of families and young couples out of the market, committee members are pleased to see things moving in the right direction.

The region’s director of housing services, presented a needs assessment Thursday that will inform Peel’s Housing Master Plan, which shows that an increasing number of residents are living in precarious housing, while Peel has one of the longest affordable housing wait times in Ontario.

Residents and activists prepare for battle against provincial cuts to healthcare and possible privatization

Residents and activists prepare for battle against provincial cuts to healthcare and possible privatization

With sweeping and controversial reforms to Ontario healthcare hovering over the horizon, Bramptonians are growing nervous about what those changes will mean for a city that is already short on healthcare infrastructure.

At a town hall in Brampton Friday, the Ontario Health Coalition and Peel Poverty Action Group rallied support for an April 30 protest at Queen’s Park against changes widely viewed as a move towards privatizing healthcare.

330 Peel teachers get layoff notices due to provincial cuts

330 Peel teachers get layoff notices due to provincial cuts

It seems warnings of teacher cuts have come to pass. The Peel District School Board and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, Peel District, say hundreds of teaching jobs will be eliminated by the fall due to the Ford government's funding cuts to the public education system.

The 330 “surplus to board” notices sent to teachers in Peel aren’t part of an annual routine, as the Ford government has suggested, as there have been no layoffs in the PDSB for the past five years.

The loss of teachers, the OSSTF says, could lead to 1,200 fewer classes being offered in Peel high schools, reducing elective options for students.

Councillors approve funding to expand Algoma University’s downtown Brampton campus

Councillors approve funding to expand Algoma University’s downtown Brampton campus

Bramptonians who had placed hope in a full-fledged university campus coming to downtown saw that hope dashed in October when the province yanked funding for a Ryerson University project.

In the face of that disappointment, Algoma University has been a beacon of reassurance, and now wants to expand its own small business-school campus downtown to bring its student enrolment up to 500, with the help of $575,000 from the city.

The main renovation will occur along the Garden Square-facing facade, in the corridor between the Rose Theatre and the school’s current building at 24 Queen St. E.

Brampton MPP Sara Singh sounds alarm on loss of provincial public health units; vaccination and opioid issues could be impacted

Brampton MPP Sara Singh sounds alarm on loss of provincial public health units; vaccination and opioid issues could be impacted

The provincial budget is leaving a choppy wake, with far reaching ripples across Ontario. Brampton Centre MPP Sara Singh raised the alarm Monday about cuts in the provincial budget that would gut public health units across the province. The number of units would be reduced from 35 to 10, leaving Peel Public Health vulnerable.

In the era of vaccine skepticism and a raging opioid crisis, the units have a vital role to play, and cuts have the potential to exacerbate major public health issues.  

Hate-related crime remains high in Peel, despite dip in 2018

Hate-related crime remains high in Peel, despite dip in 2018

The arrest of one suspected serial offender alleged to have committed 45 property crimes that targeted Muslims helped reduce reported hate crimes in the region last year, according to a report presented to Friday’s Peel Police Services Board meeting.

But the annual tally is still nearly double what it was prior to the 2016 U.S. election of Donald Trump and the subsequent emboldening of hate groups across North America.

Peel police detective Feras Ismail said race is the primary motivation for hate crimes and hate-related incidents in the region, followed by religion and sexual identity.

Changes to Ottawa’s terrorism report by Trudeau government welcomed as a first step for Sikh community

Changes to Ottawa’s terrorism report by Trudeau government welcomed as a first step for Sikh community

The controversial addition of “Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism” in an annual report on terrorism threats had riled Sikhs across Canada, who said they were unfairly tarred by the assessment.

The threat remains in the list under the title of “Extremists who Support Violent Means to Establish an Independent State Within India.” But just ahead of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's attendance at Sikh celebrations in Vancouver this past weekend, marking a significant historical religious event, his government removed language in the report deemed by many Sikhs as too vague and over-reaching. 

Questions remain about whether Ottawa has credible evidence to support the idea that a separatist movement whose heyday ended in the early 1990s, after the 1985 Air India bombing, continues to pose a threat.

What will Ford do?

What will Ford do?

Thursday’s raucous Peel Region council meeting was proof positive that this is a house divided. Mississauga is eager for independence, and said it has the numbers to prove it’s being ripped off by its partnership with Brampton and Caledon. They counter that the status quo is just fine – and they, too, have the numbers on their side. But all the positioning is really just posturing, as the decision on the future of Peel Region will be made by one man, while the political winds blow around him.

Explosive drama around Deloitte report on regional government centres on Iannicca’s tightrope walk as Peel chair

Explosive drama around Deloitte report on regional government centres on Iannicca’s tightrope walk as Peel chair

A furor in Peel Region council chambers on Thursday pitted pro-secession Mississauga councillors against a former colleague turned chair and defender of regional government.

Nando Iannicca argued, correctly, that he had a right under municipal bylaws to quietly authorize a consultant’s study that ultimately suggested Peel would be better off sticking with the status quo than breaking up.

But Iannicca admits the rollout of the Deloitte report, commissioned ahead of a provincial review of regional government, wasn’t handled well — particularly when it was handed to Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown (on Brown’s request) ahead of the Mississauga delegation.

Students speak out on bias, carding and school resource officers at Peel police board meeting

Students speak out on bias, carding and school resource officers at Peel police board meeting

The search for the next Peel Regional Police chief has entered a new phase with the hiring of an executive search firm.

That announcement came at Friday’s Police Services Board meeting, where members also said they are seeking public feedback.

This was welcome news to the students of Sheridan College’s Community Worker program, who spoke to the board – with its powerful members, including Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown and Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie, looking on – about themes they’d discussed together, including intercultural competency, inherent biases and the possibly negative effects of School Resource Officers.

Brampton mentions in the Ontario budget: Zero. Why aren’t the city’s PC MPPs speaking up?

Brampton mentions in the Ontario budget: Zero. Why aren’t the city’s PC MPPs speaking up?

Despite having two MPPs in the governing PC caucus, the province’s fourth-largest city was completely ignored in the budget delivered by the Doug Ford government on Thursday.

Nothing for Brampton hospital expansion, nothing for transit expansion, no university campus money, scant insurance relief for drivers, and the prospect of fewer teachers and bigger classes in a city where schools are already bulging at the seams.

Voters here might well ask: What are Brampton’s representatives, Prabmeet Sarkaria and Amarjot Sandhu, doing to live up to the PCs’ mantra of “putting people first”?

Liberal government continues to face questions over Sikh extremism claim with few details to support it

Liberal government continues to face questions over Sikh extremism claim with few details to support it

A terrorism threat report released in Ottawa in December unfairly paints all Sikhs with the brush of “Khalistani extremism,” say offended members of Brampton’s large Sikh community who showed up at a town hall meeting on Sunday to express their concerns about lasting repercussions, while many question why an issue involving the declining Sikh independence movement in India is being conflated with extremism in the first place.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has admitted the language needs to be fixed to avoid libelling Canada’s half-million Sikhs.

But the federal government has yet to explain why a movement whose heyday was in the 1980s is suddenly showing up in Ottawa’s annual security assessment.

Will Brampton be ignored, again, in today’s provincial budget?

Will Brampton be ignored, again, in today’s provincial budget?

The repeatedly jilted residents of Brampton will be watching Thursday’s release of the new Ontario budget with anxious anticipation. Finance Minister Vic Fedeli, who is locked in a legal battle with Mayor Patrick Brown over the publication of his memoir last year, will present the PC government's 2019 budget.

In the recent past, the city has lost funding for a university and LRT and been passed over for healthcare infrastructure expansion. It’s not clear it will do any better this year.

A high-growth community, Brampton is playing catch-up with basic services, and there are fears the Doug Ford government will leave the city in the lurch again.

Deep schism over Mexit ruptures regional council

Deep schism over Mexit ruptures regional council

Thursday’s Peel Region council meeting was a session lit with cannon fire. Mayors and regional councillors were at each other’s throats over the question of Mississauga’s proposed exit from the region.

The main sore point was the contradictory findings of two reports: One by City of Mississauga staff asserts the city would save $85 million a year by no longer being obligated to subsidize the other two municipalities. The second, a consultant’s report for the region, calls Mississauga’s methodology flawed.

Mississauga residents are asking for a divorce from Peel Region; but only Doug Ford can sign the papers

Mississauga residents are asking for a divorce from Peel Region; but only Doug Ford can sign the papers

This is a Tale of Two Cities: Mississauga and Brampton, linked by history and politics. Our neighbour to the south is eager to score its freedom from its two northern partners because it wants out of the Region of Peel. Monday night inside Mississauga City Council chambers, a special town hall meeting was held so residents could express their feelings on the future of their city. While Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown and a special report commissioned by the region urge caution, the forces of change are active, and two of the biggest and fasting growing cities in Canada might be moving towards separate lives, or a joint future. 

As climate change speeds up, federal funding flows into Brampton to help curb effects while Riverwalk plan pushes on

As climate change speeds up, federal funding flows into Brampton to help curb effects while Riverwalk plan pushes on

Ottawa’s recently announced $22-million contribution to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority will assist in 111 projects designed to mitigate flooding issues exacerbated by climate change.

Brampton will benefit from work on areas such as the Don Doan Recreational Trail.

That’s on top of last year’s federal contribution to the environmental assessment for the Riverwalk project, which will deal with flood risks downtown and finally unlock the area’s potential, while creating a winding urban greenspace.

Brampton’s crippling suburban sprawl largely a result of consumer demand and willing developers

Brampton’s crippling suburban sprawl largely a result of consumer demand and willing developers

While the city looks for ways to combat sprawl and diversify housing to meet the challenge of a booming population, one answer is to revamp its zoning.

Of Brampton’s 267 square kilometers, the vast majority is zoned for single-family homes; little of it for higher density residential, and only 24 square kilometres for commercial and industrial uses.

With all that in mind, Brampton has virtually set itself up to fail. But fixing the problem, despite a sweeping council move in September, may be harder than it seems, given the unwillingness of some residents to see their neighbourhoods change.

As Mississauga's mayor ramps up efforts to separate from Peel Region, dueling numbers have emerged suggesting different outcomes

As Mississauga's mayor ramps up efforts to separate from Peel Region, dueling numbers have emerged suggesting different outcomes

In her quest to get a Mexit from Peel Region, Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie has rolled out financial figures that suggest the larger city to the south of Brampton is paying an outsized amount to subsidize its two regional partners.

But new numbers in a report by consulting firm Deloitte, presented at Regional Council, contradict her claims, while at least one expert says it’s virtually impossible to calculate which city has contributed more to an interconnected system of government over five decades.

Brampton teachers among thousands of protestors in march against Doug Ford's cuts to education

Brampton teachers among thousands of protestors in march against Doug Ford's cuts to education

Thousands of teachers occupied the lawn of the provincial legislature Saturday to protest government cuts to education and possible job losses. Educators from as far away as Thunder Bay came to Toronto to express their dissatisfaction with the Ford government’s plan to increase high school class sizes from 22 to 28.

Brampton teachers and a range of other educators from across the province took part in the rally days after high school students throughout Ontario held a mass walkout to protest the moves.

The legacy of Terry Fox should be a reminder that accessibility is a right, not a privilege

The legacy of Terry Fox should be a reminder that accessibility is a right, not a privilege

Making cities more accessible to the disabled will take a holistic approach from both public and private interests. But Ontario is falling behind schedule in implementing these much-needed changes. The recently released Onley Report says the need for inclusion is great, and if we want to overcome the “soul-crushing” barriers we’ve put up in society, that means full compliance of Bill 118, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. What we all get in return are the types of places most of us want to live in: vibrant, diverse, green and accessible.

Innovate or die

Innovate or die

Brampton’s Sheridan College Davis campus on McLaughlin Road lacks the charm of some of the more highly touted post-secondary institutions in Canada, but the work being done there, especially in the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies by people like Michelle Chrétien, is powerful and game changing and it’s an example that innovation is what will drive success in the Canadian economy and Brampton.

Sheridan College students describe what they want in the next Peel police chief

Sheridan College students describe what they want in the next Peel police chief

Sheridan College students in the Community Worker program joined members of the public Thursday and discussed what they would like to see in the next chief of police, who will be hired to replace the controversial former head, Jennifer Evans, after her resignation in January. Themes of mental health and cultural competency came up as well as nuanced solutions to both.

Students will present the key takeaways at next week’s Peel Police Services Board meeting to provide feedback on what members should consider when deciding who will lead the country’s third largest municipal police force into the future.

City councillor implores province for help with illegal basement suites in wake of fatal fire

City councillor implores province for help with illegal basement suites in wake of fatal fire

Councillor Jeff Bowman wrote a letter Wednesday to the provincial government requesting additional powers for city enforcement officers to enter a home and inspect units, after a man died in a basement fire last week.

Fires in basement apartments are a growing concern in a city where it’s believed there are at least 30,000 illegal secondary units. With a rapidly growing population and limited affordable housing stock, more and more residents, including many newcomers, are seeking basement apartments. Landlords taking advantage of the demand often build unregistered suites that do not meet the fire code.

Despite the city’s $100 million commitment, details remain scarce on Centre for Innovation and what it will do for Brampton

Despite the city’s $100 million commitment, details remain scarce on Centre for Innovation and what it will do for Brampton

“If you build it, they will come” appears to be the approach so far by city officials with the proposed Centre for Innovation and Connected Learning.

After the loss of a degree-offering Ryerson University campus, municipal and Ryerson officials are relying heavily on the centre to become an economic driver in a downtown that badly needs one.

Now, despite a $100 million funding commitment approved by council, both partners say it’s too early to offer an explanation of exactly what the facility will look like and what services it will provide, and with a campus no longer a sure thing, it’s hard to say how well-used it will be.

Mayor questions councillor’s facts during heated LRT debate over sending trains below the ground

Mayor questions councillor’s facts during heated LRT debate over sending trains below the ground

Frustration mounted in council chambers Wednesday as yet another debate took place over what a future LRT into downtown might look like.

Exasperation was spurred by Councillor Paul Vicente, who, contradicting an earlier council agreement, moved to approve a surface route running exclusively along Main Street, a plan that drew support from the Brampton Board of Trade.

Backed by public delegations, Mayor Patrick Brown dismissed the BBOT’s letter as based on misinformation and doggedly defended his preference to tunnel the downtown part of the route.  

Frustrated Brampton students join in province-wide walkout over Ford government’s looming education cuts

Frustrated Brampton students join in province-wide walkout over Ford government’s looming education cuts

Angered with provincial plans to cut education funding, high school students from across Ontario took to the streets Thursday to protest changes. Heart Lake Secondary School in Brampton was one of many locations where young people voiced displeasure over the province’s moves. The walkout was in response to Education Minister Lisa Thompson’s proposed increase to class sizes and mandatory e-learning requirements.

Meanwhile, in question period, Premier Doug Ford was grilled by Education Critic Marit Stiles on whether jobs will be lost as a result of larger class sizes. Ford had no reply. Teachers say they are already spread thin in Brampton and are in a precarious job position.

Ford’s education changes mean plummeting graduation rates, hundreds of jobs lost, Peel school board warns

Ford’s education changes mean plummeting graduation rates, hundreds of lost jobs lost, Peel school board warns

In a letter to the Doug Ford government, the chair of the Peel District School Board warns of dire consequences if Ontario proceeds with bigger high school classes, mandated online courses and other changes that will cut costs at the expense of students.

The changes will mean the loss of 500 teachers, put students with autism, special needs or living in poverty at special risk, and leave regular students with fewer opportunities for one-on-one time with their teachers, Stan Cameron writes.

His letter, pleading with the province to listen to those affected, comes on the eve of student protest walkouts planned in Brampton and across the province.

Bloated payroll and 81 percent jump in city staff on the Sunshine List over two years suggest labour-cost warnings falling on deaf ears  

Bloated payroll and 81 percent jump in city staff on the Sunshine List over two years suggest labour-cost warnings falling on deaf ears  

Former Ontario auditor general Jim McCarter’s 2015 report on the financial health of Brampton casts a long shadow over the city. One of the highlights, if one can call it that, was ballooning labour costs.

McCarter, who was hired by former mayor Linda Jeffrey to probe Brampton’s finances following the Susan Fennell years, warned that salaries as a percentage of operating costs were unsustainable, preventing the city from investing in many things residents demand. But his call for restraint appears to have gone unheeded.  

Peel police need new ideas, not just more officers, to effectively fight sophisticated crime

Peel police need new ideas, not just more officers, to effectively fight sophisticated crime

Simply throwing more officers at a perceived crime problem may not only be costly but less effective than other strategies, experts suggest.

Cyber crime and other rising trends demand a different style of policing that is only in its infancy in Peel and many other parts of Canada.

But getting to the point where decisions about police resources are based on evidence rather than knee-jerk responses will take a huge cultural shift — one that might depend on who’s picked as Peel’s next chief of police.

Tony Clement leaving politics

Tony Clement leaving politics

After months of speculation about what he will do next, Tony Clement has announced that he is leaving politics. In a statement released Tuesday, Clement, who launched his political career in Brampton where he began a swift rise up to the dizzying heights of public life, says that he will not be running in the upcoming federal election.

He resigned from the federal Tory party caucus last November after he admitted to sexting someone he thought was a “consenting female recipient.” The RCMP began investigating after Clement claimed he was also the victim of an extortion attempt.

Price tag for Main Street LRT route could be as high as $1.7 billion

Price tag for Main Street LRT route could be as high as $1.7 billion

An update on the proposals for a newly revived Main Street LRT route coming before councillors this week will provide three options, ranging in cost from $400 million to $1.7 billion.

The most expensive is also the one most likely to get Mayor Patrick Brown’s approval, because it includes a tunnelled section through downtown that he fought for before agreeing to back a proposed route once vehemently promoted by former mayor Linda Jeffrey.

Cost is a crucial issue, since the light-rail project, whose funding was killed after the previous council rejected the Main Street alignment in 2015, has yet to receive any outside money.

Readers, not the federal government, can save print journalism

Readers, not the federal government, can save print journalism

The federal Liberal government just announced a five-year, $595 million plan in its budget to help the struggling print news business. Criticism has rightfully drawn attention to the possibility of a few large newspaper chains getting the lion’s share of the public largesse.

But ultimately, the only way news journalism can thrive, is if it’s done well and serves the people, all the people, who rely on it.

Updated: Will Fiat Chrysler’s Windsor shift closure and temporary Brampton shut-down lead to more bad news?

Updated: Will Fiat Chrysler’s Windsor shift closure and temporary Brampton shut-down lead to more bad news?

News of a shift closure in Windsor, throwing 1,500 Fiat Chrysler employees out of work, and a temporary closure in early April of the company’s massive Brampton assembly plant, to deal with slowing sales of the cars produced there, might only be the beginning of bad news for the city, as the global auto industry continues with radical changes to adapt to the market.

Critics say the Canadian industry, with out-of-date facilities making models that have been rapidly losing popularity, has been flat footed. It’s bad news for thousands of Brampton families who rely on the auto sector.

NDP and City of Brampton plan advocacy campaigns to address ongoing healthcare crisis

NDP and City of Brampton plan advocacy campaigns to address ongoing healthcare crisis

Brampton’s three NDP members at Queen’s Park have been critical of the Ford government’s healthcare policy since he and the PCs took office last June. They joined their leader Andrea Horwath at a Brampton town hall gathering this week, and channeled the ghost of Tommy Douglas, the father of the NDP, and universal healthcare in Canada. The public vented their frustrations with a system that many said cheats Brampton citizens out of their fair share of funding and is putting lives at risk with dangerous overcrowding inside the city’s only full-service hospital. The Ford government counters that it’s simply time to rein in out-of-control costs, and it has a “patient-centred” plan that will do just that.

Under-counting Brampton’s population and other funding problems were part of Tuesday’s federal issues forum

Under-counting Brampton’s population and other funding problems were part of Tuesday’s federal issues forum

The funding formula to win fiscal assistance for Brampton is skewed by a miscalculation of population numbers. While Queen’s Park is pulling back any commitments here, Ottawa and MPs like Ruby Sahota and Raj Grewal seem eager to help Brampton overcome infrastructure shortages – largely because it’s an election year. But the city is being shortchanged by both higher levels of government. Brampton has to find a better way to calculate its population numbers and create a business model to get its fair share of funding from the upper tiers of government.

After GO schedule debacle, province announces more trips, bigger trains between Brampton and Union

After GO schedule debacle, province announces more trips, bigger trains between Brampton and Union

The 4:50 p.m. express train home from downtown Toronto — loss of which caused an uproar back in January — is back to stay, along with a few other improvements to Brampton GO train service, including an added morning train to Union Station and an extra four cars on another.

But Bramptonians eager for relief from overcrowded trains and a congested commute have years to wait for the all-day, two-way GO service the province has been promising for years.

Metrolinx is now saying that goal won’t be achieved until 2025.

Brampton approves tax freeze for 2019: A look at the good and bad

Brampton approves tax freeze for 2019: A look at the good and bad

Mayor Patrick Brown rightly describes as “remarkable” the first tax freeze in many long years in Brampton, approved Wednesday night.

But it was achieved by cutting money from some areas, such as public works, that may leave residents frustrated in the long run.

Here’s what will happen with your tax dollars this year.