The joy of cricket played with pace in the perfect city to grow the game

The joy of cricket played with pace in the perfect city to grow the game

Brampton’s international Global Twenty20 cricket tournament being played over two weeks at the CAA Centre, attracting some of the best bowlers and batsmen around the globe, highlights the game’s promise in a country that has long had a fringe interest in the sport.

Speeding it up for 21st century tastes might just be the key to growing a wildly popular pastime that enjoys a cult following in many other parts of the world.

Part 2: Where does Brampton’s LRT project go from here?

Part 2: Where does Brampton’s LRT project go from here?

It has been four years since an infamous vote in 2015 effectively killed the Main Street LRT. It has since been revived, but the debate has changed: will it run on the surface or in a tunnel? A whole host of issues will need to be pored over before any shovels go in the ground to build the better transit Brampton needs.

Anaerobic digestion facility set to revolutionize what happens to your green bin

Anaerobic digestion facility set to revolutionize what happens to your green bin

A $108-million processor to be built on Orenda Road in Brampton will change the way composting is done in Peel Region, producing not only agricultural fertilizer but a non-fossil form of natural gas — and in a way that eliminates the “stinky air” issue.

It’s all part of Peel’s ambitious plan to divert 75 percent of curbside waste collection from landfills.

The new face of policing in Peel: Nishan Duraiappah named chief

The new face of policing in Peel: Nishan Duraiappah named chief

A Sri Lankan-born officer with a sterling reputation as a deputy chief in neighbouring Halton Region will take over the helm of the Peel Regional Police Service in October.

Duraiappah is being hailed as “an inspirational and aspirational leader” and the “next generation of leadership,” who will bring fresh perspectives and innovation to policing in Peel. His hiring offers a chance for a police service living under a cloud of systemic discrimination, inside and outside, to open a new chapter.

Learning in a new land leaves international students vulnerable

Learning in a new land leaves international students vulnerable

An ongoing study finds financial instability may be one reason for a seemingly high incidence of sex-for-money trades by international students studying at Sheridan College and elsewhere in Peel Region.

That raises concern about the vulnerability of students to becoming victims of sex trafficking in a region with a human trafficking rate double the national average.

Provincial backtracking on controversial changes to autism program leaves many families waiting months longer

Provincial backtracking on controversial changes to autism program leaves many families waiting months longer

Monday’s announcement that the province would work on developing a “needs-based” support program in consultation with parents and experts came as welcome news to families with autistic children who have protested sweeping changes to autism support. Minister Todd Smith apologized for the anxiety a misbegotten plan had caused. But the changes won’t come until next spring, leaving many families in Brampton and across the province in limbo.

It’s deja vu as Ottawa gives Brampton Transit $11 million toward electric buses

It’s deja vu as Ottawa gives Brampton Transit $11 million toward electric buses

Brampton will be getting eight electric buses as part of a trial for new “plug-and-play” recharging equipment that may make it possible to keep them on the road nearly non-stop.

But Monday’s federal announcement by Environment Minister Catherine McKenna echoes a very similar one from the province a year earlier, when the Kathleen Wynne government promised $13 million towards the same thing.

Bramptonians gather to protest province’s cuts to legal aid

Bramptonians gather to protest province’s cuts to legal aid

A Gage Park protest against the Doug Ford government’s deep cuts to Legal Aid Ontario drew, among others, Catherine Fenech and Annie Zhang, two people injured on the job and grateful for the help of legal aid.

They talked to The Pointer about what motivated them to turn up and speak out.

Housing development roaring along in Brampton, Bill 108 notwithstanding

Housing development roaring along in Brampton, Bill 108 notwithstanding

Uncertainty over regulations following the controversial changes brought in by the More Homes, More Choice Act is said to be stalling building applications in Toronto.

But Brampton, with its ample supply of land for building, is bucking that trend. Will it be a wash, or will the legislation disparaged as nothing more than a gift to developers actually increase the supply of affordable housing?

Brampton’s health system by the numbers

Brampton’s health system by the numbers

Bramptonians often cite the same dismal statistics when talking about hallway medicine and demanding improvements to the state of healthcare in the city. The Pointer has gathered some more numbers the public should be aware of — including some surprising positives.

The GTA mayor leading the charge against Ford’s developer friendly system

The GTA mayor leading the charge against Ford’s developer friendly system

Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward wants the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal abolished. She’s encouraging other mayors to join her in the fight against an “anti-democratic” institution the Doug Ford government just strengthened.

For Brampton, a city trying to shift away from developer-controlled planning, the future of the LPAT will have sweeping implications.

Mad Max, the political sequel, features a controversial protagonist; Liberals should be worried  

Mad Max, the political sequel, features a controversial protagonist; Liberals should be worried  

Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, jumped into the crucible of multiculturalism Wednesday and emerged unscathed from a rally at a hall in Malton. He brought a clear message to voters that reducing immigration to this country is a priority. He laid out the economic and societal reasons why and that struck a chord with his roomful of supporters. Those who fear that Bernier might steal some Conservative votes could be miscalculating the real threat, to Liberals. Ours is a country, like much of the western world, now confused about immigration and national identity.

Tiny homes and other creative solutions needed to solve Peel’s affordable housing crisis

Tiny homes and other creative solutions needed to solve Peel’s affordable housing crisis

An innovative idea for a tiny-house village from SHIP, one of Peel Region’s providers of housing for people in precarious living conditions, is one example of the imaginative thinking that could help solve a problem facing thousands of lower-income households.

But Peel’s ambitious goal of seeing 75,000 new affordable housing units built over the next 10 years won’t be achieved without support from upper governments and cooperation from the private sector.

Brampton to get 168 new long-term care beds, alongside upgrades at two facilities

Brampton to get 168 new long-term care beds, alongside upgrades at two facilities

Faith Manor is one of the recipients of new beds in a current redevelopment project.

Its director looks forward to a revamped space under new design criteria, which he says might even help reduce violence among residents.

Students plant trees in one of Brampton’s most sensitive ecosystems

Students plant trees in one of Brampton’s most sensitive ecosystems

A group of teens showed up at Norton Place Park on Wednesday, but not to just hang out.

They were there to plant trees in this well-travelled piece of green space, and to learn more about the full story of what’s going on underneath their feet.

Three down, two to go: NDP finally announces federal candidates in Brampton

Three down, two to go: NDP finally announces federal candidates in Brampton

A slow nomination process may not be as much of a drag on the party’s chances this fall as some suggest. But there’s no doubt the three hopefuls announced at an NDP nomination rally on Sunday have their work cut out for them in challenging the Liberal incumbents and Conservative candidates chosen months ago.

The party itself appears to be struggling to get its act together as the October election looms.

Province opens up federal transit funding to Brampton and 10 other municipalities

Province opens up federal transit funding to Brampton and 10 other municipalities

After months of complaints by the city and the federal government that the province was withholding vital infrastructure dollars from municipalities, the government of Doug Ford has finally opened up applications for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. 

The city had hoped to get $47 million from the federal fund’s Public Transit Stream to replace aging buses and expanding the Brampton Transit fleet. But staff were forced to ask for interim funds from city taxpayers in place of the federal dollars. 

The PGA, the Punjabi Golfers Association, could help save the game

The PGA, the Punjabi Golfers Association, could help save the game

Golf is slowly pulling itself free from its exclusive and restrictive past and attracting a new wave of diverse players. The straight shooters on the executive of the Punjabi Golfers Association, yes, the PGA, are playing their part in growing the sport at a time when it needs help.

Province releases nearly $2 billion to build and renovate schools — but will there be enough for Peel?

Province releases nearly $2 billion to build and renovate schools — but will there be enough for Peel?

With many Brampton schools bursting at the seams, Education Minister Stephen Lecce’s announcement of funding for school construction and renewal comes as a relief to Peel school boards.

But it’s unclear how much of that money will come to the region, with four much-needed new school projects already in the queue for provincial support.

“I want to go after you for doing this to me”: defence lawyer who exposed police misconduct, suing Peel force, Crowns for targeting her with criminal charges 

“I want to go after you for doing this to me”: defence lawyer who exposed police misconduct, suing Peel force, Crowns for targeting her with criminal charges 

Charges of perjury and obstruction of justice against Leora Shemesh were dismissed last year, but the criminal defence lawyer isn’t prepared to let what she regards as a blatant attack on her integrity and reputation go that easily.

She’s suing Peel police and Crown attorneys who laid the charges, claiming they colluded against her in retaliation for her efforts to expose police wrongdoing.

Part 1: Can Kitchener-Waterloo’s LRT serve as a template for Brampton?

Part 1: Can Kitchener-Waterloo’s LRT serve as a template for Brampton?

The 17-year journey to complete an LRT in Kitchener-Waterloo was realized on June 21, when the ION light rail officially opened to the public. To get to this point, the region endured long construction periods, unexpected archeological discoveries and attempts to torpedo the project by a disgruntled business community. The benefits, including $3.2B worth of development, are already evident.

Axing of addictions program comes when Peel may need it most

Axing of addictions program comes when Peel may need it most

The provincial government says it’s chopping a program to help people with combined mental health and addiction issues find jobs because it’s not working.

But some municipalities that have formally assessed the Addiction Services Initiative’s success in getting people off social assistance beg to differ. 

Anti-racism expert urges Peel schools to teach problematic ‘classics’ with care

Anti-racism expert urges Peel schools to teach problematic ‘classics’ with care

To Kill a Mockingbird, with its white-saviour perspective on racism in the Deep South, may be a book that has passed its best-by date, says education professor Carl James. But in designing education that respects, supports and empowers Black students, context is everything.

Is councillor’s move to ban election signs a waste of time? Probably, if it’s up to Queen’s Park

Is councillor’s move to ban election signs a waste of time? Probably, if it’s up to Queen’s Park

Brampton Councillor Rowena Santos says those ubiquitous election signs are a polluting, expensive waste of money that doesn’t move sluggish voters to the polls. But others say her effort is nothing more than political gamesmanship to gain an advantage at the polls. Though council voted in favour of her motion asking city staff to look at banning them, the city may not have authority to prevent signs from sprouting on Brampton lawns.

Peel councillor pushes for united voice on stopping rise in gender-based violence

Peel councillor pushes for united voice on stopping rise in gender-based violence

As Ottawa ponders how to spend $86 million set aside for quelling “unbelievable” violence directed mostly at women, Mississauga Councillor Chris Fonseca wants to get backing from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to ensure cities are part of the discussion.

It’s not clear yet what Peel Region would prefer to do with its share, but human trafficking and domestic disputes are both huge and growing issues here.

Can Jagmeet Singh deliver for his hometown as PM?

Can Jagmeet Singh deliver for his hometown as PM?

Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh returned to his political roots when he visited this year’s Carabram festivities over the weekend.

He’s promising two major items for Brampton but faces an uphill battle to get elected this fall, especially with a party whose nomination process seems in disarray.

$115M ‘Senior Village’ one small step on the road to an aging-friendly Brampton

$115M ‘Senior Village’ one small step on the road to an aging-friendly Brampton

Peel Region’s decision to redevelop an aging long-term care centre into a broader service hub for seniors is a good move, says an expert on age-friendly communities. But the long-term challenge is to offer practical alternatives to living amid suburban sprawl that leads to isolation, loneliness and dependence for thousands of people in their golden years.

Fight continues to save the “emergency room” of legal services

Fight continues to save the “emergency room” of legal services

A 30 percent slash in funding for Legal Aid Ontario means many of Peel Region’s most vulnerable residents will be cut off from access to a lawyer for help in dealing with life-changing crises.

The cuts, says the co-director of a Mississauga legal clinic, don’t just challenge the fairness of our legal system, they’ll end up costing Ontario taxpayers a lot more than they save.

Sex trafficking is about the exploitation of females by men

Sex trafficking is about the exploitation of females by men

In too much literature, in the example of some so-called political leaders and across our consumer-corporate society, male power is still glorified, even celebrated. The Jeffrey Epstein case is the latest example of how deeply entrenched attitudes toward women and girls force many of them down a dark path into the lairs of those men who prey on their vulnerability.

Peel urged to work quickly with provincial overhaul of health care

Peel urged to work quickly with provincial overhaul of health care

Amid the province’s sweeping reorganization of how healthcare is administered, staff are encouraging Peel Region council to get involved early in shaping the three new Ontario Health Teams expected to run the system across the region.

Jumping in immediately will help ensure the region’s priorities are heard — even if the “efficiencies” touted by the governing PCs fail to be realized.

A new vision to recreate the heart of the city

A new vision to recreate the heart of the city

Queen Street between Etobicoke Creek and Highway 410 is a low-rise, low-density, unappealing suburban thoroughfare that’s practically unwalkable. The city is steps away from zoning changes that could reshape this traffic-heavy major street into a denser, more livable and economy-stimulating city-centre.

Peel poised to take in 250 more refugees — plus evacuees from fire-ravaged Northern Ontario

Peel poised to take in 250 more refugees — plus evacuees from fire-ravaged Northern Ontario

The federal and provincial governments have both asked the region to provide temporary shelter for people fleeing their homes. It’s getting to be a regular thing, since Ottawa requested help in easing the strain on Toronto’s refugee services last year.

Peel property owners facing sharp tax hike next year

Peel property owners facing sharp tax hike next year

The Region of Peel says it will have to increase property taxes by more than 6 percent on its share of the bill next year to maintain current service levels, largely because of cuts being planned by Queen’s Park that will download many costs onto municipal property owners. In Brampton, which faces a growing infrastructure deficit at the local level, homeowners could be on the hook for a massive tax increase in 2020. 

Ottawa-Ontario feud could stymie Brampton’s election-time lobbying for badly needed cash

Ottawa-Ontario feud could stymie Brampton’s election-time lobbying for badly needed cash

While Brampton council tries to figure out what to advocate for this fall, the bad blood between the federal and provincial governments over who’s hoarding infrastructure money meant for cities has come to a boil over layoffs at the Bombardier facility in Thunder Bay. The mud-slinging between the federal Liberals and Ontario PCs isn’t helping Brampton, which is still waiting to get transit money that’s already been budgeted for, but hasn’t materialized — with many more infrastructure needs on the growing wish list.

Councillors grill staff about poor communication on diversity review of city workplaces

Councillors grill staff about poor communication on diversity review of city workplaces

A review of city employee culture ostensibly being carried out by the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion has sunk below Brampton Council’s radar since it was first instituted by the city’s moribund Inclusion and Equity Committee more than two years ago.

Brampton creates wish list for fall federal election

Brampton creates wish list for fall federal election

Brampton City Council’s meeting today will consider a list of priorities to bring before federal candidates as they come a-courting. Election campaigns are among the few times the city seems to come to the attention of the federal parties, with frequent visits the typical pattern as leaders compete for votes from the city’s cultural communities.

What’s decided today could help shape the future of the city’s relationship with the party that’s ultimately successful in forming the next Parliament.

High-profile U.S. case highlights what police, service providers are up against when combatting human trafficking

High-profile U.S. case highlights what police, service providers are up against when combatting human trafficking

The shocking Jeffrey Epstein human trafficking case has grabbed the international spotlight, but sadly it’s the high-powered people close to the American billionaire driving much of the attention.

Those fighting the rapidly growing demand for the trafficking of women, many of them teenagers and younger, say the case shows just how far-reaching this devastating criminal activity has become.

Sara Singh can look to Hazel McCallion, a pioneering female politician who fought the old boys’ club

Sara Singh can look to Hazel McCallion, a pioneering female politician who fought the old boys’ club

The Ontario NDP Deputy Leader and Brampton MPP is dealing with a former party riding association president who has admitted his romantic feelings for her. Singh has had to file a formal harassment complaint and recently sent the man a cease and desist letter. It’s 2019, but many women in politics still have to put up with attitudes of privilege that continue to define a Mad Men world of male entitlement. But when Hurricane Hazel McCallion blew into town decades ago, she put men in that world on notice: don’t mess with this new force that’s only going to get stronger.

Developers on the hot seat for excess contributions to municipal politicians

Developers on the hot seat for excess contributions to municipal politicians

In a case that once again raises the spectre of developer influence over city hall, Peter Cipriano, founder of the Gold Park construction group, donated $10,800 in total to nine Brampton candidates last fall — more than double the legal limit. Brampton’s citizen-run Election Compliance Audit Committee, unswayed by Cipriano’s apology for what he called an honest mistake, decided to go ahead with legal action. Meanwhile, Nick Cortellucci, part of an influential developer family recently profiled in The Pointer, got a slap on the wrist for also violating the contribution limit. 

Gaming business wants to stay in downtown Brampton 

Gaming business wants to stay in downtown Brampton 

Downtown Brampton has a notoriously high retail turnover rate, with a lack of parking and a challenging social environment as two reasons often mentioned. Table-top gaming shop and play venue Hobby Studio has been one island of stability more recently, but even with success, the owners are finding the surprisingly high rent for an area that needs a lot of improvement is constraining their room to grow.

The Ford government gets straight F’s for its ill-fated effort to revamp our once proud educational system

The Ford government gets straight F’s for its ill-fated effort to revamp our once proud educational system

New Education Minister Stephen Lecce was sent out by his masters to fix the PC party’s failing reputation ahead of this October’s federal election. But cheap tricks only remind Ontarians that Doug Ford is using the same Mike Harris playbook that got their party booted from leadership for more than 15 years.

Part 3: The Ideas — Changing tack in the battle against human trafficking

Part 3: The Ideas — Changing tack in the battle against human trafficking

Prevention may be as important as repairing the damage to curtail the impact of human trafficking in Peel. If we learn to employ strategies effectively and with a commitment like that shared by participants in the Global Conference on Human Trafficking and Trauma, public education and even mathematics may be able to help.

New and improved career studies program not all it’s cracked up to be, critics say

New and improved career studies program not all it’s cracked up to be, critics say

Changes to a Grade 10 mandatory course, including beefed-up components involving financial literacy and emerging careers, won’t do much to help students suffering the more immediate results of funding cuts and increased class sizes, say some educators.

The curriculum update announced this week by new Education Minister Stephen Lecce follows a series of major changes to Ontario’s education system that will result in fewer teachers, fewer support staff and fewer course options in schools across the province.

Lessons in handling money, preparing for vast changes to the job market added to Ontario’s high school curriculum

Lessons in handling money, preparing for vast changes to the job market added to Ontario’s high school curriculum

Financial literacy and steering students toward the jobs of the future are top goals as the revised Career Studies course, a required half-semester program for Grade 10 students in Brampton and across the province, rolls out this fall. 

The new curriculum also reckons with the fact that many jobs are disappearing in the face of new technology and that students need to know how to pick a career path that won’t be taken over by robots. (Of course, they could build those robots.)

Updated: Brampton MPP Sara Singh levels harassment allegations against former NDP riding association president, who could face legal action

Updated: Brampton MPP Sara Singh levels harassment allegations against former NDP riding association president, who could face legal action

In February 2018, former Brampton Centre NDP Riding Association president Bruce Marshall was asked to leave Sara Singh’s campaign, apparently in response to allegations made by the candidate, who was later elected. In her complaint in spring 2018, a month before the election, and again in a recent letter written to Marshall this May, Singh alleged a pattern of inappropriate behaviour, including repeated unwanted advances, inappropriate touching and communication, and intrusive behaviour at public events.

Part 2: Need and nuance — Peel’s human trafficking survivor supports fall woefully short of the need 

Part 2: Need and nuance — Peel’s human trafficking survivor supports fall woefully short of the need 

Sex trafficking flourishes amid public apathy and a lack of supports to help women who escape find healing and a permanent path out of poverty and exploitation. There are solutions out there — and people passionately prepared to do the hard work — but they’ll need money and political commitment.

New education minister raises hopes for a change in direction

New education minister raises hopes for a change in direction

Minister Stephen Lecce’s pledge to listen to teachers’ concerns amid his call to speed up negotiations on new contracts for teachers seems a good sign, says local union president Gail Bannister-Clarke. But the leader of Peel’s public elementary teachers still wonders: are the governing PCs prepared to bargain in good faith?

Part 1: Hundreds gather in Peel, the heart of Ontario’s human trafficking network, to hunt for answers

Part 1: Hundreds gather in Peel, the heart of Ontario’s human trafficking network, to hunt for answers

Often lost in statistics, arrest reports and confusion about the nature of sex trafficking is the very real and human story of a level of violence and suffering – sexual, physical, psychological — that a seasoned researcher tells a packed conference room “has touched my heart so deeply.”

Mayor Brown, those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Mayor Brown, those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Mayor Patrick Brown was called out by Councillor Gurpreet Dhillon and on social media for his ‘PR’ move, highlighting criticism of Quebec’s Bill 21, banning religious symbols in civil service jobs. Is the mayor just using diversity as an easy way to score political points with future voters, while ignoring Brampton’s own problems with equity and inclusion?

New condo project represents the slow shift away from Brampton’s sprawling identity

New condo project represents the slow shift away from Brampton’s sprawling identity

The $100-million Symphony Condominium project on Queen Street will offer a variety of choices for residents and employers with its mixed-use makeup. The project strikes a chord with Mayor Patrick Brown who is looking to improve the city’s land-use mix and enrich its tax base. The groundbreaking also helped quiet the noise from a $28.5-million lawsuit that is still making its way through the Ontario court system.