Brampton's new council will have to tackle an old burning issue: secondary apartments

Brampton's new council will have to tackle an old burning issue: secondary apartments

Few issues in Brampton are as polarizing as secondary suites. Many in the city, including thousands of newcomers, rely on these affordable housing alternatives, until they can enter the property market as buyers. 

But other residents feel the proliferation of secondary suites, also known as basement apartments, is taxing city services, as Brampton's residential streets become more and more crowded to accommodate dwellers of these popular units. A new council, facing a stretched budget and many frustrated constituents, will have to address this complex issue. 

The story has been updated since its original publication in September.

Controversial motion to hire ten new staff for Brampton council both panned and praised

Controversial motion to hire ten new staff for Brampton council both panned and praised

Days after taking office, some city councillors are impatient to hire extra staff, which they claim will improve service to a growing number of constituents sending complaints and seeking help from their local representatives.

Brampton needs to start thinking more like the big city it has become, says Councillor Gurpreet Dhillon, who introduced the motion.

Others say adding 10 staff at city hall is a waste of money in an already stretched budget — and that the offices aren’t big enough to handle them. The city’s finances are already strained because of bloated labour costs. What happens next hinges on a report from the city clerk’s office.

Hazel McCallion and Doug Ford have plans for Peel Region; Brampton taxpayers better prepare for a fight

Hazel McCallion and Doug Ford have plans for Peel Region; Brampton taxpayers better prepare for a fight

The inaugural session of regional council might be the last in Peel if a group of political dissidents from the provincial and municipal world have their way. But will the possible dismantling of the region and council at the whim of Hazel McCallion, Bonnie Crombie and the Doug Ford government be good for Mississauga, bad for Brampton and Caledon, or will all three suffer? If Ford gets one mega-city, his PC party will feel the political fallout for years to come.

Peel police, local MPs look to Ottawa for money to help stem rising crime, youth violence

Peel police, local MPs look to Ottawa for money to help stem rising crime, youth violence

Recent statistics show that Brampton and Mississauga have a problem with increasing rates of youth crime. With money tight across the province, Peel police is looking to the federal government for funding help to curb youth violence.

Local MPs, The Pointer has learned, are now trying to help the force get the money it needs, while Peel police continues with other proactive initiatives to guide the region’s young people away from a life of crime.

Grewal's gambling addiction raises questions about security protocols, opposition MPs say

Grewal's gambling addiction raises questions about security protocols, opposition MPs say

Conservatives on the parliamentary ethics committee want to know when the prime minister’s office was informed about the ex-Liberal MP’s gambling problem and possible connections with an RCMP money-laundering investigation.

It’s not clear whether the Brampton East MP, who reneged on his pledge to resign last month, is being investigated in connection with a City of Brampton land deal that he’d received confidential information about, prior to a sale that cost the city an extra $1 million.

Grewal continues as an independent MP after being forced out of the Liberal caucus.

Brampton candidates squeezed out of regional chair consideration; Mississauga gets its man, again

Brampton candidates squeezed out of regional chair consideration; Mississauga gets its man, again

For the second time in as many municipal elections, a longtime Mississauga councillor has been chosen to lead Peel Region as chair of its council. Nando Iannicca won the job thanks in part to some Brampton regional councillors who broke ranks with their mayor.

Martin Medeiros, in a move against Mayor Patrick Brown’s choice, seconded Iannicca’s nomination, which was put forward by Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie, who made her own split, away from the wishes of her one-time supporter, former mayor Hazel McCallion.

LRT debate drives wedge into council once again

LRT debate drives wedge into council once again

A Wednesday motion to reopen the possibility of a Main Street route for light rail, supported by some long-time Linda Jeffrey allies and council newcomers, raised the spectre of another acrimonious term.

Mayor Patrick Brown labelled Gurpreet Dhillon’s motion as “short-sighted” and likely to stoke division in a council that is trying to leave the past behind.

However, a compromise prevailed, raising the possibility that parts of the downtown route, if it ever gets built, might go underground through the city’s heritage district.

Consumed by LRT debate, council delays decisions on pot shops, beefed-up staffing, and controversial spending

Consumed by LRT debate, council delays decisions on pot shops, beefed-up staffing, and controversial spending

Councillors will hold a special meeting in January to decide whether to opt out of allowing cannabis stores in the city, with some questioning the results of a survey showing a slim majority of residents want them.

Meanwhile, the city’s controversial support for the Brampton Beast hockey club and the Riverstone Golf Club purchase were back on the table on Wednesday, behind closed doors.

LRT, other old controversies back on the agenda for Wednesday’s Brampton council gathering

LRT, other old controversies back on the agenda for Wednesday’s Brampton council gathering

The Brampton Beast hockey team bailout and the Riverstone golf club purchase are back on the agenda for the first committee of council meeting of the new term.

So are, not surprisingly, two longed-for items that the city just can’t quite seize: an LRT route into the heart of downtown and a university campus Brampton can call its own.

What happens in this meeting, with five new faces around the table — including Mayor Patrick Brown — could help set the tone for a whole new term.

City staff wants council to allow retail pot shops after survey shows majority of residents approve; decision could come Wednesday

City staff wants council to allow retail pot shops after survey shows majority of residents approve; decision could come Wednesday

An Environics survey commissioned by the city found 54 percent of Bramptonians somewhat or strongly support allowing private retail sales of cannabis within city limits.

But with the issue on Wednesday’s committee of council agenda for a possible vote (that would have to be ratified next week), some councillors would rather wait and see how the rollout of legal pot is handled in other communities before choosing to opt-in.

The province has given municipalities until Jan. 22 to opt out, for now. Those who don’t could have shops open by April 1.

With shake-up complete in Brampton, stage is set for dramatic vote at Peel Region council

With shake-up complete in Brampton, stage is set for dramatic vote at Peel Region council

Brampton’s roster of regional councillors is now set and will play a key role in choosing the new chair of Peel Regional Council this week.

But even with a complete revamp of the mayor’s office and a new-look council taking up residence at city hall, the question remains: will Brampton finally get its just rewards as one of the fastest growing communities in Canada? That would mean more services, more representation, and more respect.

A lot is at stake for each of Peel’s three municipalities, as regional councillors politic for a chair to serve their interests.

New Mayor Patrick Brown’s inaugural address laser-focused on boosting Brampton’s economy

New Mayor Patrick Brown’s inaugural address laser-focused on boosting Brampton’s economy

Staying true to his election campaign’s main pledge, Mayor Patrick Brown left a packed house at the Rose Theatre Monday night giddy with hope, as the hyper-energetic leader vowed to bring economic development and jobs to the city.

Brown laid out an ambitious agenda for the next four years to lift Brampton out of a decade-long rut. His fellow colleagues on the new council pledged to work as a team to help the mayor fulfill his lofty goals.

Committees dealing with crime, transit and diversity saved from the chopping block

Committees dealing with crime, transit and diversity saved from the chopping block

Meeting for the first time on Tuesday, Brampton councillors unanimously rejected the city clerk’s recommendation to disband committees focused on transportation options, community safety, and diversity and equity issues.

The move signals a desire by the new council to give special attention to concerns that were top of mind for citizens at the doorstep during the fall election campaign—and to avoid embarrassing missteps in a city that is more diverse than ever.

Raj Grewal and Tony Clement have fallen, but Amarjot Sandhu is a worse kind of disgrace

Raj Grewal and Tony Clement have fallen, but Amarjot Sandhu is a worse kind of disgrace

The actions of Brampton MP Raj Grewal and MP Tony Clement, a former MPP for the city, are jarring.

But the inaction of rookie Brampton PC MPP Amarjot Sandhu is even more troubling in a city whose voters are alarmed by the harm an elected official is doing to the place where they live.

New mayor and councillors have many complex issues to solve

New mayor and councillors have many complex issues to solve

Of 11 members, the mayor and four councillors are new, creating a more diverse governing body and possibly a new dynamic on a council that had been widely considered dysfunctional.

The last government left several major issues unfinished and the incoming members will have to pick up where they left off. Some hot topics: opting-out of cannabis stores in the city, funding the Ryerson University campus and restarting the sputtering LRT debate.

Social services issues at the region and for Mayor Patrick Brown, who will sit on the police board, mounting public safety concerns will all be part of a busy agenda for the city's leaders. 

Bains grilled in House of Commons over photo with director of company that sold land to Brampton

Bains grilled in House of Commons over photo with director of company that sold land to Brampton

MP Navdeep Bains was asked about a photo showing him with a director of a Brampton company that sold a 20-acre property to the city early this year for about $1 million more than the municipality was originally going to pay.

The Pointer reported last week that former mayor Linda Jeffrey’s chief of staff gave confidential details of the city’s deal with the province to buy the land to Bains and MP Raj Grewal. The deal fell through and the land was sold to a company that flipped it back to the city at a large profit.

In question period Monday, Bains denied any connection to the company. The company released a statement saying it did not receive any confidential information about the deal.


Company that sold land to the city for Goreway Bridge project says no confidential information was received from politicians

Company that sold land to the city for Goreway Bridge project says no confidential information was received from politicians

The company that bought a parcel of land from the province then sold it to the City of Brampton for the Goreway Bridge project has released a statement aggressively denying it used any information from politicians or political parties to help it acquire and sell the property.

The statement comes days after Brampton East MP Raj Grewal and Mississauga MP Navdeep Bains, who received confidential information about the city’s negotiation with the province from Linda Jeffrey’s chief of staff, denied sharing the information with anyone.  

Raj Grewal says he might not resign; defends role in Goreway Bridge project

Raj Grewal says he might not resign; defends role in Goreway Bridge project

Brampton East MP Raj Grewal released a video to The Globe and Mail published late Friday, in which he details his gambling debts and declares he will quit the Liberal caucus, but leaves open the possibility of holding onto his riding seat.

Grewal also says he did not disclose confidential details about a proposed Brampton land transaction that he received, unsolicited, from Linda Jeffrey’s chief of staff.

The MP says he gambled recreationally since university, but the habit developed into a mental health issue when he started to play high stakes blackjack at an Ottawa-area casino next to the hotel he stayed at as a parliamentarian.

He apologized for his behaviour, to his family, constituents, colleagues and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Maple Leaf poultry plant in Brampton to close

Maple Leaf poultry plant in Brampton to close

Maple Leaf Foods is moving to consolidate operations in a new state-of-the-art plant to be built in London, Ont., by 2022.

Brampton’s aging facility, which employs 324 unionized workers, will close in the process, along with two others in Toronto and Perth South.

The move means more jobs in London, but the loss of a mainstay of the local economy marks yet another blow to Brampton’s dwindling blue-collar employment base.

Raj Grewal given confidential details by mayor’s aide on Brampton land deal that cost city $1M extra; investigation sent to RCMP

Raj Grewal given confidential details by mayor’s aide on Brampton land deal that cost city $1M extra; investigation sent to RCMP

The results of a City of Brampton investigation into a real estate transaction that cost taxpayers $1 million extra has been sent to the RCMP, after councillors learned Brampton East MP Raj Grewal and Mississauga MP Navdeep Bains were given confidential details about the pending deal—including the agreed price—by Linda Jeffrey’s chief of staff, Hasneet Singh Punia.

The provincially owned property, needed to fix a traffic bottleneck at a railway crossing on Goreway Drive, was instead sold to private investors, who flipped it back to the city months later well above the price the city and province had agreed to.

Oshawa’s worst nightmare is a wake-up call for Brampton

Oshawa’s worst nightmare is a wake-up call for Brampton

If GM can suddenly call a halt to production in “Canada’s Automotive Capital” on the grounds that few are buying sedans anymore, can auto workers at Fiat Chrysler’s Brampton plant feel safe?

Like Oshawa, they’re building gas-guzzling sedans, a category quickly losing market share to SUVs and crossover vehicles. Meanwhile, the industry is moving toward the cars of the future: green and autonomous vehicles.

For municipal leaders, including new mayor Patrick Brown, Oshawa’s woe is a warning to make diversifying the city’s economic base a top concern.

Ford’s latest fix to ‘end hallway healthcare’ again ignores Brampton

Ford’s latest fix to ‘end hallway healthcare’ again ignores Brampton

An infusion of cash announced Wednesday will help a small Niagara hospital upgrade its aging facilities, a move trumpeted by Premier Doug Ford as part of “our plan to end hallway healthcare.”

The promised $8.5 million will go toward new infrastructure for the hospital.

Meanwhile, fast-growing Brampton’s desperately overcrowded hospital is seeing no signals of help from the province.

Brampton law firm silent on its employment of former MP Raj Grewal, who resigned due to a gambling problem

Brampton law firm silent on its employment of former MP Raj Grewal, who resigned due to a gambling problem

The federal government’s ethics commissioner was investigating Grewal over the appearance of favours given to a construction company from which he also received income, according to public disclosures.

Now, a Brampton law firm that was paying Grewal is not speaking publicly about its relationship with the former MP or what work he did for the firm while serving as an elected official.

UPDATE: Probe into allegations of conflict of interest against Raj Grewal continues despite resignation over gambling problems

UPDATE: Probe into allegations of conflict of interest against Raj Grewal continues despite resignation over gambling problems

The ethics watchdog responsible for complaints against MPs says the probe into former Brampton East MP Raj Grewal over his relationship with a local builder invited on a trip to India in January will continue, despite his recent resignation due to gambling problems.

Meanwhile, The Globe and Mail has reported details of an RCMP investigation into Grewal’s gambling and some of his recent spending that led to significant debt, including millions spent at an Ottawa-area casino.

Brampton taxpayers will have to pay dearly to help keep city streets safe; police want $21.5M more to fight crime

Brampton taxpayers will have to pay dearly to help keep city streets safe; police want $21.5M more to fight crime

Peel police wants to increase its budget next year by almost three times the current rate of inflation in Ontario.

Citing her concerns over increased violent crime, the lame-duck head of the force, departing Chief Jennifer Evans, has presented the police board with a proposed $423-million budget for 2019.

That represents a 5.4 percent increase over last year, money that will help in hiring 55 additional officers to deal with rising crime and the fallout from pot legalization.

But there are questions: With an expensive new contract kicking in next year, putting every single first-class constable on the Sunshine List, will Peel Region buy it? And will the Doug Ford government cheapskate Brampton again, by withholding its policing grant?

Residents urging Jeffrey to stand for regional chair

Residents urging Jeffrey to stand for regional chair

Departing Brampton mayor Linda Jeffrey still hasn’t thrown her hat in the ring but acknowledges that she’s been “approached” about her interest in a job that, while out of the public spotlight, demands the sort of deep knowledge and experience a former mayor possesses.

Picking a new chair will be one of the first orders of business on Dec. 6, when a reconstituted Peel Region Council gathers for the first time since the municipal election.

Also waiting in the wings are several former Brampton and Mississauga councillors, and former Liberal MPPs who lost their seats in last June’s provincial election.

Bobble-heads on Peel’s police board won’t do, as residents demand protection from rising crime

Bobble-heads on Peel’s police board won’t do, as residents demand protection from rising crime

On Friday, a diversity and equity audit examining hiring, promotions and other practices inside Peel’s police force was expected to be revealed publicly at the last board meeting of the current term. It wasn’t.

A private firm handed it to the board in the spring, but it continues to play games with the community it’s supposed to serve.

Compliant, inexperienced police board members in the past, including a car salesman and a real estate agent close to Hazel McCallion, seemed more interested in approving tens of thousands of dollars to buy tickets for swanky private galas than in holding the force accountable.

Update: Brampton MP Raj Grewal resigned over gambling problem

Update: Brampton MP Raj Grewal resigned over gambling problem

Rookie Brampton backbencher Raj Grewal quit unexpectedly, amid a probe into an official trip to India he took with a Canadian businessman whose company had Grewal on its payroll, at the time.

The PMO now says that a serious gambling addiction was the reason for the resignation. Grewal leaves his vacated Brampton East MP seat open until next fall’s federal election. In the meantime, constituents will probably have to look to neighbouring MPs for any help with official matters.

Changes to Ontario’s social safety net will affect vulnerable Bramptonians

Changes to Ontario’s social safety net will affect vulnerable Bramptonians

Brampton’s unemployment rate is 46 percent higher than Ontario’s, and city residents who depend on social assistance while trying to re-enter the workforce will fall further behind under the PC government’s plan, announced Thursday.

A 1.5 percent overall increase in payments won’t even keep up with inflation.

But the government is promising a more coordinated approach to helping people find work and leave the system permanently.

Release of Peel police diversity audit delayed without explanation

Release of Peel police diversity audit delayed without explanation

Despite hints that a long-awaited equity and diversity audit report would be released during the Peel Police Services Board’s final meeting of the year, there was no mention of the audit on Friday’s agenda.

The Peel Coalition Against Racialized Discrimination says the report was actually completed in April but hasn’t been made public because it contains embarrassing details on how the force has failed to reflect the diverse community it serves.

Chief Jennifer Evans, who plans to retire in a few weeks, provided no information on where the report is or when it will be released.

A city shattered by violent crime needs an outsider to fight it

A city shattered by violent crime needs an outsider to fight it

A new Peel Police Board with the new mayor of Brampton and a new regional chair will have to find a new chief to replace Jennifer Evans, the controversial head of a force plagued by officer misconduct and allegations of systemic discrimination.

As violent crime spirals out of control, Brampton and Mississauga need a chief with fresh ideas who can bring a new, modern style of policing to one of the fastest growing, most diverse and complex regions in the country.

Television boxes and illegal streaming a threat to media outlets in Brampton

Television boxes and illegal streaming a threat to media outlets in Brampton

Set-top devices popular in the city’s large immigrant communities, and readily available in dozens of video stores, make it easy to employ illegal streaming services that are commonly used by people who appreciate cheap access to programming from other parts of the world.

But the business of piracy is a costly problem for licensed media outlets, large and small — including independent operators that once thrived by serving diaspora communities and offering legally obtained news and entertainment in languages such as Punjabi.

Trying to fight the illegal practice poses problems, as attempting to restrict access to pirated websites could lead to a violation of Charter rights.

Judge blasts province for desperate shortage of space at Brampton courthouse

Judge blasts province for desperate shortage of space at Brampton courthouse

Justice is not being served in Brampton, a judge has written in a scathing indictment against the provincial government for failing to properly fund the city’s main courthouse.

Cases are being delayed, there are not enough courtrooms and some people involved in matters before the court are being denied basic rights to access justice, wrote senior regional judge Peter Daley, who called out the provincial government Monday in a sharply worded report over its continued failure to take responsibility of the justice system in Peel. 

The increasingly desperate situation at the Brampton courthouse on Hurontario Street is another issue on a growing list of poorly funded provincial services, including healthcare, public safety, regional transit and education, that are not keeping up with the city’s rapid growth, which is mandated by the province. 

Judge cites “black macho” lyrics in denial of legal aid for Peel-based rapper

Judge cites “black macho” lyrics in denial of legal aid for Peel-based rapper

Rapper Darren John says he can’t afford a lawyer to fight his conviction on uttering threats against his former promoter.

But a judge who was to determine whether he gets help to pay for one brought quite a few observations into the mix beyond evidence given in court of his financial need.

Questions hanging in the air about crime in Peel

Questions hanging in the air about crime in Peel

The first question Peel politicians will need to deal with in this new council term is the future of policing in Brampton and Mississauga, where much will depend on the choice of the next police chief — and how willing the provincial government will be to pony up for more cops and resources to tackle rising crime.

Mayor-elect Patrick Brown has vowed to push for more resources in the community and on the police force. But will he go for new blood or push to hire within?

That’s just one of many questions faced by the Peel Police Services Board while awaiting the results of a police diversity audit, due out this week.

Takedown: The Attempted Political Assassination of Patrick Brown

Takedown: The Attempted Political Assassination of Patrick Brown

Brampton Mayor-elect Patrick Brown’s new memoir breaks the mould of stodgy, predictable political biographies that employ pedestrian language to bore readers into submission. Unlike other books beside it on store shelves, it’s not likely in this coming holiday season that copies of Takedown will be moved to the remainder bin.

It currently sits atop Amazon Canada’s bestseller list for political biographies where it stands out from other books in the staid genre. 

It’s a tell-all thriller and political takedown of Ontario Progressive Conservative Party bosses that paves the way for someone, perhaps Brown himself, to begin a new Conservative movement in Ontario.

Night of Knives: A chapter from Takedown reveals the dark underbelly of Ontario politics

Night of Knives: A chapter from Takedown reveals the dark underbelly of Ontario politics

In Chapter 5 of his memoir, Takedown: The Attempted Political Assassination of Patrick Brown, titled “Night of Knives,” Patrick Brown describes what happened during the frantic hours after he learned of the allegations against him: the betrayal of trusted members of his team, the chaotic midnight conference call that sealed his fate, and his desperate attempt to persuade his party to let him tell his side of the story before killing his career in provincial politics.

Read the entire chapter in this exclusive excerpt on The Pointer.

(The language includes profanity and may be offensive to some readers)

Planned new war memorial delayed by Ken Whillans Square revitalization

Planned new war memorial delayed by Ken Whillans Square revitalization

Though it will come too late for last Sunday’s centenary of the end of World War I, a new memorial wall will provide a more fitting tribute to the 163 Bramptonians who have died fighting in Canada’s wars.

The project, the subject of a rare unanimous vote by city council, will be built in Ken Whillans Square once plans for a renewal project in that area are completed.

Meanwhile, the Royal Canadian Legion’s local branch is dreaming about what the project will look like when it’s finally erected next to the long-standing cenotaph.

Brown defiant and unapologetic at launch for tell-all memoir Takedown

Brown defiant and unapologetic at launch for tell-all memoir Takedown

Takedown: The Attempted Political Assassination of Patrick Brown was released at a Brampton launch party on Friday, already a top seller for its publisher.

The coming-out party at Carl’s Catering The Glen drew media, residents and the city elite, eager to hear how Brown expects to handle the fallout of his bridge-burning book about his meteoric rise and fall as leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party.

Brown shrugged off concerns, saying he hadn’t made any new enemies with the book.

A Q&A with Patrick Brown on his tell-all book Take Down

A Q&A with Patrick Brown on his tell-all book Take Down

The newly elected mayor of Brampton reflects on his spectacular rise, fall and resurrection from the political ashes of last January’s sexual-misconduct allegations in a wide-ranging interview with The Pointer.

He talks about his support of the #MeToo movement despite being caught in the “eye of the storm”, the “catharsis” of writing a book, why he doesn’t care that it will burn a lot of bridges and what he hopes to do for the city as he returns to municipal politics.

Ford says Patrick Brown has the credibility of a “rock” amid furor over tell-all book

Ford says Patrick Brown has the credibility of a “rock” amid furor over tell-all book

Takedown: The Attempted Political Assassination of Patrick Brown, has raised a ruckus even before its bookstore launch this Friday, with its pull-no-punches invective against Tory caucus members who ousted him from the party leadership last January.

The anger on both sides is palpable but should come as no surprise to observers of the fraught party politics that surrounded Brown’s ascendancy to the Progressive Conservative leadership and his tumultuous fall from grace within hours of a CTV story that made allegations of sexual misconduct — allegations he continues to vigorously deny.

If Ford derails Hurontario LRT, Brampton's transit plans likely to stall

If Ford derails Hurontario LRT, Brampton's transit plans likely to stall

The Hurontario LRT is critical for bringing higher-order transit into the city of Brampton. Now it looks like the project may be on the chopping block.

Following discussions with ministry reps, the Ontario NDP transit critic says the government under Premier Doug Ford is refusing to deny rumours that the Hurontario LRT project is set to be cancelled.

While the Conservatives claim they have yet to make any decisions surrounding the future of the project, the uncertainty itself is not a good thing for Brampton.

Patrick Brown’s raw, candid account of events surrounding his rise and fall and rise captured in tell-all book

Patrick Brown’s raw, candid account of events surrounding his rise and fall and rise captured in tell-all book

Brampton’s mayor-elect has penned a remarkably revealing political exposé detailing the spellbinding circumstances that led to his public dismemberment following allegations of sexual misconduct.

He has vigorously denied the claims, and now details his version of the events that stripped him of the chance to be Ontario's next premier.

The Pointer will feature an exclusive interview Thursday with Brown, a day before the official launch, and an excerpt from the book, the complete chapter titled Night of Knives, this Saturday.

Brampton MPPs call out Amarjot Sandhu for missing crucial votes and silence on city’s big issues

Brampton MPPs call out Amarjot Sandhu for missing crucial votes and silence on city’s big issues

Missing the Remembrance Day ceremony at city hall was just the latest example of rookie PC MPP Amarjot Sandhu’s ghost-like presence.

Sandhu may have been elected to represent the interests of residents of Brampton, but he has either voted against legislation crucial to Bramptonians at Queen’s Park or been absent during such votes.

The Brampton West MPP has also been largely unavailable for inquiries from the media, to the point that his voice mailbox has been full for months.  

Unclear what Brampton will get from Ottawa’s $200M funding to combat gun and gang violence

Unclear what Brampton will get from Ottawa’s $200M funding to combat gun and gang violence

In the midst of Peel Region’s worst ever crime wave, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is giving $200 million to provinces to help disrupt the inner workings of black-market gun sales and gang activity across the country.

An additional $86 million investment in the RCMP and the Canada Border Services Agency may make a difference, particularly in stemming the flow of guns over the border.

But despite a Brampton MP’s attempt to promote her government’s tough on crime initiative, it remains unclear how the city, currently reeling from a guns and gangs epidemic, will benefit directly from an infusion of badly needed funding as the city's violent crime problem continues to grow.

Will province miss the Brampton stop? Government provides few answers as LRT funding questions mount

Will province miss the Brampton stop? Government provides few answers as LRT funding questions mount

Among the many unresolved issues inside Queen’s Park that could deeply impact Brampton’s future, decisions about funding the city’s transit needs are among the most important. With huge potential to attract jobs and investment, higher order transit could be the catalyst to move the city forward.

But as traffic congestion becomes more crippling every day, it remains unclear if Doug Ford’s PC government will invest in Brampton’s transit needs, even if a new council under Mayor-elect Patrick Brown puts forward a decisive plan for the city’s future.

Brampton MPP Sara Singh accuses Premier Ford of covering up sexual misconduct scandal

Brampton MPP Sara Singh accuses Premier Ford of covering up sexual misconduct scandal

Three high-profile resignations by Conservative politicians and a staffer over allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour in recent weeks, including MP Tony Clement’s admission of ‘sexting’ women, have Brampton MPP Sara Singh and others concerned about the conduct of men in the corridors of political power.

Singh lashed out at Premier Doug Ford inside Queen’s Park Monday, accusing him of trying to cover up the allegation against former PC MPP Jim Wilson, who resigned from cabinet and the party caucus two weeks ago, when officials claimed it was over “addiction issues”.

Long waits to file family court documents in Brampton

Long waits to file family court documents in Brampton

Wait times to file family court documents in Brampton’s Superior Court of Justice reached nearly five times the ministry standard earlier this year and remain among the longest in the GTA.

While a stiff increase in the number of people going to court without lawyers — and often struggling to figure out court bureaucracy — is a problem across the province, Brampton’s courthouse is particularly hard hit, frustrating court staff and ordinary litigants alike.

With no plans to increase staff or counters at the Hurontario Street court, it’s not clear when Bramptonians will see relief.

UPDATE: Clement admits to “infidelity” as sexting scandal grips Brampton

UPDATE: Clement admits to “infidelity” as sexting scandal grips Brampton

MP and former Brampton MPP Tony Clement, who retains deep ties to the city, issued a letter to his Parry Sound constituents Thursday evening apologizing for “acts of infidelity” to his wife and admitting that he “crossed lines that should never have been crossed.”

The open letter comes less than 48 hours after the news of the sexting scandal exploded, triggering Clement’s ouster from the Conservative caucus and his departure from a prominent position on Canada’s National Security Committee.

Clement’s wife, Lynne Golding, a Brampton native and prominent lawyer and author, issued her own statement on Wednesday, saying Clement would be “taking the action he needs to get help.”

Insurance industry insiders question Brampton MPP's claim of “postal code discrimination” against the city's drivers

Insurance industry insiders question Brampton MPP's claim of “postal code discrimination” against the city's drivers

While momentum builds for changes at Queen's Park to address Brampton's sky-high auto insurance rates, many who have been dealing with the issue for decades say some elected officials in the city are misrepresenting the facts. Higher rates of costly accidents, possibly due to excessive speeds that are allowed on many of the city's streets, can lead to more expensive insurance fees.

Other reasons not related to postcode discrimination could also contribute to Brampton's exorbitant auto insurance prices, according to some in the industry.