Single father of child with severe autism demands national strategy at Brampton campaign stops

Single father of child with severe autism demands national strategy at Brampton campaign stops

Physically and mentally drained, Jamie Peddle wants the federal government to help ease the strain by implementing a national autism strategy and including autism treatment in medicare. To that end he’s tried to bend the ear of politicians, including party leaders at recent campaign events — but he’s making less headway than he’d hoped.

Conservatives’ Ramona Singh vows to curb ‘devastating’ violence after win in Brampton East

Conservatives’ Ramona Singh vows to curb ‘devastating’ violence after win in Brampton East

In the wake of a recent shooting on the 410, public safety remains at the centre of the federal election debate in Brampton. On Friday, the Conservative candidate for Brampton East, Ramona Singh, held an event to coincide with the reveal of Andrew Scheer’s plan for a “safer Canada.”

The event, attended by former attorney general Peter MacKay, shows the kind of resources the party is putting into Brampton East ahead of October 21.

Jagmeet Singh pledges infrastructure funding to Mississauga, but Justin Trudeau and Andrew Scheer remain silent on the city’s wish list

Jagmeet Singh pledges infrastructure funding to Mississauga, but Justin Trudeau and Andrew Scheer remain silent on the city’s wish list

Twelve days ago, Mayor Bonnie Crombie wrote to the federal party leaders asking them to commit to Mississauga’s priorities. Those asks, gathered under the Mississauga Matters campaign, had gone unanswered until NDP leader Jagmeet Singh replied, agreeing to them all, in principle. Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party have also confirmed receipt of Mississauga’s demands, which they say they will answer soon, while Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives have remained tight lipped.

Part 3 – Autumn – the fallout from a bloody four months on the streets of Peel

Part 3 – Autumn – the fallout from a bloody four months on the streets of Peel

After the end of a violent summer, the 2018 municipal election became a wakeup call for candidates who didn’t realize that crime had become the number one concern for many Mississauga and Brampton residents. The public pushed for action, and they eventually got it; a budget increase and more officers on the streets in 2019. But would it help?

Meanwhile, the controversial chief of police announced she was stepping down. 

This is the third and final part of a series on a year of crime in 2018 that has still left politicians and the public searching for answers in two of the country’s largest cities.

Navdeep Bains crashes Jason Kenney appearance in Brampton, sparking confrontation 

Navdeep Bains crashes Jason Kenney appearance in Brampton, sparking confrontation 

In the lead-up to an expected appearance by Alberta Premier Jason Kenney at Pawanjit Gosal’s Brampton Centre campaign headquarters, Mississauga—Malton Liberal incumbent Navdeep Bains, who has been acting as a fixer across the province recently, called a sudden media availability to take place across the street from the Conservative event. 

The move caused several supporters who turned out to see Kenney and Gosal break away from the event in an attempt to confront Bains, but he jumped into a car just as an agitated crowd gathered where he addressed the media.

Brampton’s ambitious plan for the future may have found the visionary it needs

Brampton’s ambitious plan for the future may have found the visionary it needs

A quarter-century ago, Markham was a satellite community that sat above Toronto like a puffy cloud of vast nothingness. After Yvonne Yeung put her fingerprints on the designs of its future, the municipality in neighbouring York Region is now one of the envies of the GTA, a booming city that bills itself as Canada’s most diverse place. Tech companies and other employers have flocked there, while forward-thinking builders, with the guidance of people like Yeung, continue transforming it into a suburban marvel.

Now, she wants to do the same for Brampton.

A ‘deep, integrated relationship with the community’ is how Peel’s new police chief hopes to rebuild trust and tackle rising violent crime

A ‘deep, integrated relationship with the community’ is how Peel’s new police chief hopes to rebuild trust and tackle rising violent crime

In his first week on the job, Peel Chief of Police Nish Duraiappah has a lot of questions to answer, and ask. One of them is how to develop trust with all the communities he now serves in two of the country’s largest cities. His predecessor, Jennifer Evans, was often criticized for creating tension between the force and communities alienated by her leadership style, including her steadfast support of carding, a practice that targeted Black residents in Mississauga and Brampton. Duraiappah is looking to take a different approach, amid the chaos of crime gripping the region.

Some before-school programs not operating Monday, otherwise school is on across Peel as agreement reached between CUPE and Province

Some before-school programs not operating Monday, otherwise school is on across Peel as agreement reached between CUPE and Province

It was like the tale of Cinderella: before the clock struck midnight, and the possibility of things turning bad for both the province and CUPE education workers, they were able to power through and come to a tentative agreement. The news Sunday evening was much needed relief and comfort for tens of thousands of parents in Peel, as they were bracing for a full-on strike that would have left their kids stranded. Instead, other than some before-school programs Monday morning, it’s business as usual. 

Brampton and Mississauga come to the rescue, set to host camps for school kids if CUPE strike leads to shutdown

Brampton and Mississauga come to the rescue, set to host camps for school kids if CUPE strike leads to shutdown

Mississauga and Brampton, two cities that pose unique challenges for parents, are planning programming for children at community centres in the event of a walkout by school support workers on Monday. Many parents were blindsided by an abrupt announcement by the Peel public and Catholic school boards that schools will close if CUPE and the province fail to reach an agreement before the strike deadline at midnight Sunday.

Mississauga’s first library-based social worker calls on Brampton to copy the idea

Mississauga’s first library-based social worker calls on Brampton to copy the idea

With societal changes, libraries are taking up the new challenge of becoming community hubs — with a particular mission to be safe spaces for vulnerable and homeless people. Mississauga now employs social worker Kevin Berry to work with library staff to offer support, help and services to people who walk through library doors every day. Berry is asking Brampton to consider adopting the same strategy to help its growing homeless population. 

Update: “It’s a nightmare”: 244,000 students will be shut out of 401 schools run by Peel’s two boards Monday, if CUPE education workers strike

Update: “It’s a nightmare”: 244,000 students will be shut out of 401 schools run by Peel’s two boards Monday, if CUPE education workers strike

Tens of thousands of parents across Peel are scrambling after Thursday’s alarming announcement by Peel’s public school board and its Catholic board that they will shut all students out Monday if 55,000 CUPE education workers across Ontario go on strike. The union has stated that is what will happen if a contract deal can’t be struck by then. The Pointer heard from parents across Mississauga and Brampton, who are now desperately trying to figure out what they will do if the shutdown happens.

World of Jazz leader says City of Brampton’s review of arts grants seems to favour certain organizations

World of Jazz leader says City of Brampton’s review of arts grants seems to favour certain organizations

Carmen Spada, a multi-instrument musician who leads local nonprofit B-Jazzed, spoke before council this week, asking why three community organizations are being told they may no longer need to compete for grants, while others must meet even higher criteria for funding than before. He said the City of Brampton initiated a meeting with a group of eight to 10 organizations in June, asking for feedback on how to conduct a review of its Community Grants Program. 

New police chief sworn in, welcomes Liberal pledge to help fight gang violence

New police chief sworn in, welcomes Liberal pledge to help fight gang violence

Chief Nish Duraiappah has officially taken on his post as head of the Peel Regional Police. Just before his swearing-in ceremony, he shared his vision for the future of policing in Mississauga and Brampton. With rising violent crime on the minds of an anxious public, there are many challenges that face the young chief, who takes over after the controversial tenure of Jennifer Evans.

‘Healthcare Plan for Brampton’ repackages NDP promises in party’s ambitious drive for city’s five ridings

‘Healthcare Plan for Brampton’ repackages NDP promises in party’s ambitious drive for city’s five ridings

For the second time in as many weeks, the NDP’s five Brampton candidates gathered together to announce healthcare plans for the city Monday night. Mostly, the plan combines previous nationally focused promises with a new pledge to “create a national autism strategy.”  But the barrage of NDP media events in Brampton does reveal the importance the party leadership is placing on the city’s five ridings.

With Doug Ford being blamed for looming strike action in Peel schools, questions mount about impact on federal election

With Doug Ford being blamed for looming strike action across Peel schools questions mount about impact on federal election

Dirtier hallways, less help checking in at the office and an absence of early childhood educators could all become a reality come Monday, when 55,000 school support staff across the province, already engaged in a work-to-rule campaign, are set to walk off the job entirely. The planned walkout follows a failed round of negotiations with the province and the Council of Trustees’ Associations. Questions are being raised about the timing of the action, with the federal election in the backdrop. 

With Crombie sitting behind him Trudeau pledges $250-million to directly help cities combat gang-related violence

With Crombie sitting behind him Trudeau pledges $250-million to directly help cities combat gang-related violence

Accusing the provincial PC government of “dragging their heels” on disbursing money from Ottawa intended to help quell crime involving guns and gangs, the Liberal Leader is now promising to give municipalities money directly. It’s not clear how much of the five-year funding pledged within the Liberals’ “stronger gun control” platform would end up in Peel Region, which has been dealing with a rapid rise in violent crime and received funding for anti-crime initiatives well below that of other large municipalities. 

Federal candidates in Peel wasting opportunities to engage with young voters, as robotic social media continues to ignore local issues

Federal candidates in Peel wasting opportunities to engage with young voters, as robotic social media continues to ignore local issues

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, as young people in particular rely on platforms such as Twitter or Facebook to receive news and communicate with brands or individuals. However, as the federal election approaches, candidates in Mississauga and Brampton have done very little to engage younger voters using alternative or modern forms of communication. Where traditional telephone canvassing and door-knocking bypasses younger voters, social media provides a golden opportunity for engagement which, so far, political hopefuls are passing up.

Part 2 – Spring and Summer – in a raw and violent year

Part 2 – Spring and Summer – in a raw and violent year

When the public is clamouring for answers and crime is surging, what are police to do?

In Part 2 of this three-part series, The Pointer analyzes the violent summer of 2018 that saw shootings and violent crime in Mississauga and Brampton spike. 

At the time, elected officials were staring down the barrel of a municipal election in the fall, and with the public demanding answers, there was an urgent need to act. 

On Day 1 of work-to-rule, PDSB custodian says funding cuts have affected non-teaching staff ‘for a very long time’

On Day 1 of work-to-rule, PDSB custodian says funding cuts have affected non-teaching staff ‘for a very long time’

For a Peel District School Board custodian, underfunding of basic school operating costs is at the root of failed negotiations between non-teaching staff unions, the province and the Council of Trustees’ Associations. If a contract agreement is not reached soon, the work-to-rule job action could result in dirtier schools and office areas, among other effects.

Andrew Scheer promises Brampton a ‘fair share’ for infrastructure, anti-gang measures, without offering details

Andrew Scheer promises Brampton a ‘fair share’ for infrastructure, anti-gang measures, without offering details

The Conservative leader’s Monday campaign stop in Brampton included a pledge to provide federal relief from the growing gap between the city’s booming population and its infrastructure and public safety needs. But that promise was light on details, whereas he has promised more specific support for high-ticket projects in other major cities.

Trudeau offers no insight on local issues in Mississauga at UTM campaign event

Trudeau offers no insight on local issues in Mississauga at UTM campaign event

Yet again, the man trying to get re-elected to the highest office in the land is not speaking to local issues in the places he’s campaigning. Though Mississauga and Brampton often provide the backdrop during this federal election campaign, Trudeau’s carefully crafted messages avoid the specific needs of cities. Sunday’s event at UTM in Mississauga was no different. 

Local media outlet says Liberal incumbent Kamal Khera edited video of debate to make opponent look like he's against abortion rights

Local media outlet says Liberal incumbent Kamal Khera edited video of debate to make opponent look like he's against abortion rights

An edited clip of a debate between Brampton West candidates hosted by Prime Asia Television appears to show Conservative Murarilal Thapliyal answering “no” to a question about whether he supports women’s and LGBTQ rights. But the clip being blasted out on social media by Kamal Khera cuts off attempts by the moderator to get clarification as well as her opponent's response, which clearly states he supports equal rights and a woman's right to choose. The manager of the outlet says he was pressured into releasing the video and that it was misused by Khera’s campaign on her social media platforms.

Town hall snubbed by Liberal and Conservative candidates offers insight into Brampton’s healthcare crisis

Town hall snubbed by Liberal and Conservative candidates offers insight into Brampton’s healthcare crisis

Candidates from the NDP, PPC, Greens and Communist Party turned out to a town hall held in Brampton on Sunday. The event, missed by all Liberal and Conservative candidates, highlighted Brampton’s healthcare issues and provided comprehensive explanations of the Canada Health Act and federal responsibility. Through several presentations, speakers offered their detailed information and testimony on healthcare issues that matter to Bramptonians ahead of the Oct. 21 election. 

Malton police station one step closer as police board seeks a review of services in the area

Malton police station one step closer as police board seeks a review of services in the area

Residents of the Mississauga community of Malton have reason to be hopeful that they’ll see a return of their community police station following a horrendous shooting on Sept. 14 in which a 17-year-old bystander died. Mayor Bonnie Crombie’s move to review police operations in the neighbourhood — including response times — was carried unanimously on Friday.

It’s time every candidate in Mississauga and Brampton tell us exactly how they will help tackle crime

It’s time every candidate in Mississauga and Brampton tell us exactly how they will help tackle crime

After a recent week of incidents that have shaken many to the core, voters are looking to local leaders for actual leadership. We know federal policy and money is there to help solve local crime. We don’t need backbench MPs who mouth the party line between public photo opportunities. We expect more – real advocates for change.

Diwali joins Nuit Blanche on the list of cultural events Brampton won’t host in 2019, but hopes to host next year

Diwali joins Nuit Blanche on the list of cultural events Brampton won’t host in 2019, but hopes to host next year

The idea of hosting an official Diwali fireworks celebration in the city was first suggested to council in January. However, a significantly delayed staff report was only considered in September, leaving it too late to organize festivities for this year. Council, though, have supported delaying the event until 2020, where it could join Nuit Blanche in an exciting cultural calendar next fall.

As Brampton’s youth climate activists descended on Garden Square one incumbent promised more help for her car-crazed city 

As Brampton’s youth climate activists descended on Garden Square one incumbent promised more help for her car-crazed city 

Greta Thurnberg arrived in Montreal Friday to lead a mass climate demonstration, while Bramptonian school children skipped class to protest in favour of their future. At an event organized by a group of 20-year-old activists, candidates from the Greens, Liberals and NDP turned out to talk to young voters about their concerns. After the event, Liberal incumbent Ruby Sahota spoke to The Pointer about climate change and how she plans to address it on a local level.

Fire from neighbour’s secondary suite almost sets city activist’s home ablaze 

Fire from neighbour’s secondary suite almost sets city activist’s home ablaze 

Fires in basement apartments are not uncommon. Yvonne Squires had to deal with one next to her neighbour’s secondary suite and feared she was going to lose her own home.

With estimates of as many as 50,000 of these suites in Brampton and as many as 30,000 in Mississauga, the pillar of her community is not a fan of illegal two-unit dwellings, which she says allow landlords to take advantage of vulnerable international students and avoid taxes. She praised the City of Brampton for making headway in the battle against illegal basement units, but it's an issue that will only get worse if the region doesn't find solutions to its affordable housing crisis.

Anxiety spills over at Mississauga council ahead of province’s upcoming decision on the city’s future

Anxiety spills over at Mississauga council ahead of province’s upcoming decision on the city’s future

Speculation swirled Wednesday about the former head of Peel Region, who earlier this year tried to undermine Mississauga’s desired exit from the two-tier system of municipal government. Councillor Carolyn Parrish suggested David Szwarc might be considering a new position that could hurt the city’s chances of getting the divorce it so desperately wants.

Mississauga seeks long-term federal support for affordable housing, as councillors broker ‘Frankenstein’ deals to fill the gap

Mississauga seeks long-term federal support for affordable housing, as councillors broker ‘Frankenstein’ deals to fill the gap

Faced with a growing housing crisis, Mississauga councillors are calling on federal parties to offer long-term housing solutions. Karen Ras and George Carlson tell The Pointer that what’s needed is stable federal funding to allow long-term planning. In the meantime, they’ve been forced to get “creative” in their search for short-term solutions. 

Incoming regional police chief not ruling out a station in Malton

Incoming regional police chief not ruling out a station in Malton

Nishan Duraiappah said his transition to top brass of the Peel Regional Police Service has been “remarkable.” But when he starts officially on Tuesday he will have a lot to contend with — rising gang violence, increasing homicides, and an outcry from the community of Malton to re-establish a police station there after a recent mass shooting. The badge may shine bright, but there is a certain darkness hanging over the region right now.

Province’s new dental care program for low-income seniors ‘makes sense’, will help ease ‘hallway healthcare’ crisis

Province’s new dental care program for low-income seniors ‘makes sense’, will help ease ‘hallway healthcare’ crisis

A new provincial dental care program being rolled out this fall will cover nearly 7,000 low-income seniors, a big boost from the 800 or so served by a regional program that preceded it. It’s being hailed as a good thing by councillors, particularly because it’s funded entirely by the province. Bad oral health leads to more than toothaches — it’s the reason for many ER visits, making preventative care one way to alleviate the “hallway healthcare” problem.

Brampton MPP Amarjot Sandhu pleads guilty after being charged with operating illegal basement suites weeks before he was elected

Brampton MPP Amarjot Sandhu pleads guilty after being charged with operating illegal basement suites weeks before he was elected

Court documents show the Brampton West MPP pleaded guilty this month to having two unregistered secondary suites in two properties in Brampton. The charges under the provincial Planning Act were laid just weeks before his election in June 2018. Sandhu told The Pointer the units were present when he bought the houses and that the city brought “a few inconsistencies” to his attention. 

Singh's NDP finally completes slate of federal candidates in Mississauga after slow start

Singh's NDP finally completes slate of federal candidates in Mississauga after slow start

When the writ dropped on Sept. 11, the NDP was unable to name candidates in the majority of Mississauga’s federal ridings. This pattern, which played out nationally, was seen by many observers as an indication of internal chaos. Now, with just under a month until the election, the party finally boasts a full complement of candidates in Peel. However, a lack of profile and presence for some, combined with disappointing polling, will continue to worry the party leadership. 

Charmaine Williams breaks ranks with ward colleague Pat Fortini over group homes review

Charmaine Williams breaks ranks with ward colleague Pat Fortini over group homes review

Disagreement between the Wards 7 and 8 councillors surfaced over a motion prompted by resident concerns about an assisted-living group home application in Ward 7. Fortini, who says the city’s group homes bylaw hasn’t been updated since 1993, isn’t sure it still complies with provincial regulation. But Williams contends there may be unintended consequences of a drawn-out review in a city that needs more housing for seniors, not less. 

Mississauga vape shop feeling the heat after news of vaping-linked illnesses and deaths

Mississauga vape shop feeling the heat after news of vaping-linked illnesses and deaths

Concerns around vaping are making many customers rethink the habit after last week’s report of a London, Ont. teen who was put on life support to deal with a respiratory illness tied to vaping, as well as multiple confirmed deaths in the U.S.. One Mississauga vape shop owner said his sales have declined by 80 per cent in the past three weeks. 


Potential job action by support workers looms in Peel schools

Potential job action by support workers looms in Peel schools

Non-teaching staff represented by CUPE plan to begin a work-to-rule campaign next week, after issuing a formal notice of job action on Wednesday. What that means for kids and families in Peel Region schools isn’t clear yet. Meanwhile, negotiations between the province and teachers’ unions continue, after their contracts expired at the end of August.

Capacity fears for Brampton Transit as third bus garage delayed and plans for a fourth are cancelled

Capacity fears for Brampton Transit as third bus garage delayed and plans for a fourth are cancelled

In 2015 Brampton Transit figured it would need a third bus storage and maintenance facility by 2021 to accommodate growing demand. A huge leap in ridership since then means the city needs even more buses — and space to garage them in winter. But that plan now faces a three-year delay while the city looks for extra money from upper-tier governments to cover the $150-million-plus cost of an expanded project. Where will all those buses go in the meantime?

What is behind Peel’s swing-riding record?

What is behind Peel’s swing-riding record?

Political loyalties are far from set in stone in Brampton and Mississauga ridings, which have flipped as one — twice — in recent elections. 

Are the changes as dramatic as our first-past-the-post system make them seem? And why are Peel voters so mercurial?

Brampton’s ambitious plan for active transportation focuses on cyclists at $6.5 million a year

Brampton’s ambitious plan for active transportation focuses on cyclists at $6.5 million a year

Brampton’s first Active Transportation Master Plan pays special attention to improving the Flower City’s substandard cycling network, which currently includes only 11.3 kilometres of dedicated bike lanes. The plan calls for much stronger investment from council in new infrastructure. However, while the plan is robust in its suggestions for cyclists, some may feel pedestrians got short shrift.

Housing for all? At current funding levels from the federal government, meeting Peel’s affordable housing goals will take decades 

Housing for all? At current funding levels from the federal government, meeting Peel’s affordable housing goals will take decades 

While candidates and party leaders talk about the need for affordable housing and what they plan to do, the Region of Peel has received a clearer picture of the funding it will be getting from the federal and provincial governments to support affordable housing initiatives and development – it’s a bleak reality. 

The nearly $30 million investment is welcome news, as is any influx of cash, but it’s not nearly enough. That will pay for only 144 new units over the next three years. The region wants to bring on 7,500 every year up to 2028.

Brampton looking to private sector for help as battle against climate change heats up

Brampton looking to private sector for help as battle against climate change heats up

With ambitious targets for carbon emissions reductions inline with the Paris Agreement on the table, Brampton is considering how best to fulfill its environmental responsibilities. As the Institute for Sustainable Brampton moves closer, one councillor explained to The Pointer that the city would do well to seek help from the private sector. 

Meanwhile, plans to join an international coalition of municipalities fighting climate change have highlighted problems with the city’s plans. A staff report lists several key areas the city must deal with before any application to join would be accepted.

Welcome to the real world, Mr. Prime Minister

Welcome to the real world, Mr. Prime Minister

The controversy surrounding the unveiling of a picture of Justin Trudeau caught in brownface wasn’t a snapshot of vile racism, but one of white privilege. It exposes the background of a man whose character wasn’t formed on the smithy of hard work or a desperate attempt to prove his worth, but of someone who feasted on the limelight, and was surrounded by those from the same strata – who live in a bubble.

Trudeau avoids local issues, promises lower taxes and cellphone rates, but nothing to cope with healthcare challenges, region’s crime and influx of newcomers

Trudeau avoids local issues, promises lower taxes and cellphone rates, but nothing to cope with healthcare challenges, region’s crime and influx of newcomers

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was in Brampton to let everyone know that he would, if re-elected, work to lower Canada’s notoriously high cellphone rates and exempt Canadians from paying federal income tax on their first $15,000 earned. But he offered no commitment to ensuring that Brampton and Mississauga get their fair share of funding to cope with rising crime and the stress put on city infrastructure and services by an influx of newcomers.

Mississauga Matters election debate cancelled after federal candidates decline to take part

Mississauga Matters election debate cancelled after federal candidates decline to take part

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie had scheduled a debate tonight under the banner Mississauga Matters, with plans to quiz candidates across the city’s six ridings about how they would stand up for the funding needs of their home municipality. But the debate has been cancelled after the city couldn’t find enough candidates to take part. That raises questions about how committed federal hopefuls are to improving the city they hope will elect them in October.

The power of perception during a violent year in two cities – Part 1 – Winter 

The power of perception during a violent year in two cities – Part 1 – Winter 

In Mississauga and Brampton, 2018 was one of the most violent years in recent memory. Homicides, shootings, stabbings and many other types of violent crime all increased drastically. 

As the violence unfolded over the first half of the year, the public were paying attention, but the police seemed caught off guard and political response was absent. 

In Part 1 of this three-part series, The Pointer looks at the violent winter months and how they set the stage for one of the most troubling years on record. 

Lakeview residents meet to discuss density, height and an indigenous education centre as waterfront redevelopment moves closer

Lakeview residents meet to discuss density, height and an indigenous education centre as waterfront redevelopment moves closer

Residents of the Lakeview community in Mississauga met on Thursday evening to discuss the impending redevelopment of the waterfront. While developers want to add height to existing plans, locals want to keep their view of the lake, with more parkland and activity space along the waterfront. In some situations, big developers would ignore such demands and forge ahead, yet Lakeview has a secret weapon.

Peel becoming a national leader in dementia care with groundbreaking Butterfly Model

Peel becoming a national leader in dementia care with groundbreaking Butterfly Model

A program implemented in Peel Region has become a model of excellence for long-term care homes across Ontario for how to best treat and look after those suffering from dementia. Known as the Butterfly Model, it puts the patient first and focuses on forging real bonds between patient and caregiver.

The benefits have been nothing short of remarkable. 

Incumbents in Brampton and Mississauga silent on electoral reform since Liberal u-turn in 2017

Incumbents in Brampton and Mississauga silent on electoral reform since Liberal u-turn in 2017

Four years ago, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party was propelled to power on a series of promises, including a historic commitment to reform Canada’s first-past-the-post voting system. In Brampton and Mississauga, town halls and public meetings in 2016 heralded a nationwide consultation on the issue and asked Peel residents for their opinions. However, in 2017 the party abandoned its pledge and MPs have been silent on the issue ever since. 

Liberals will let cities ban handguns and pledge to ban ‘military-style assault rifles’ if elected

Liberals will let cities ban handguns and pledge to ban ‘military-style assault rifles’ if elected

Less than a week after nine people were shot in separate ambushes in Mississauga and Brampton, leaving two dead, including a 17-year-old boy, the Liberals are promising sweeping measures to clamp down on gun violence.

The party announced Friday that it would ban “all military-style assault rifles” if elected. And, as the NDP has also pledged, they would allow cities to enact their own handgun bans.