PCs ignore Metamorphosis Network’s request to fund $868M gap in Peel’s social services
After refusing to respond to media questions or attend community debates PC candidates are now ignoring an issue critical to social services across Peel.
The Metamorphosis Network — a collective of more than 100 Peel non-profit organizations and community groups — warns that “community services in Peel Region have reached a breaking point.” It launched its ‘Cut in Half’ campaign, requesting all candidates commit to dramatically reducing an almost $870 million annual provincial funding shortfall for social services in Peel.
Residents have been dangerously underserved for decades.
(Metamorphosis Network)
As of Monday, according to the campaign’s website, all of the Liberal and NDP candidates have signed the pledge, save for Liberal candidates Michael Dehn in Dufferin—Caledon and Ranjit Singh Bagga in Brampton North. While all Green Party candidates in Peel have made the commitment, the Network is still waiting for a response from the Party’s leader Mike Schreiner.
No candidates from the PC Party have responded to the pledge or acknowledged the funding issue.
The campaign highlights that the provincial government underfunds community services in Peel and calls on candidates, if elected, to commit to increasing investment in Peel immediately as a first step to solving increased homelessness, rising food insecurity, funding gaps to support victims of violence against women, the ongoing overdose crisis and a range of other societal problems, many linked to high costs and a lack of government funding. The Cut in Half campaign also requests successful candidates create a working group with the province, municipalities, and nonprofits from the region “to ensure that all community services are properly funded in perpetuity.”
"The vast majority of candidates have signed our pledge, but the absence of the Premier, and the PC candidates in every riding, is still a worrisome gap,” Angela Carter, a community advocate, said in a press release. “The Metamorphosis Network is asking that candidates from all parties participate and sign on, so we know that they are committed to righting the wrongs in Peel Region.”
Peel’s social service collective has been demanding change for almost a year now after a report prepared by the Metamorphosis Network revealed the region is being shortchanged $868 million in funding from Queen’s Park compared to other Ontario municipalities of its size. The region’s bubbling growth has outpaced the funding available to support these services, officials say. Meanwhile, Peel remains one of the fastest growing communities across the province with the region’s population forecasted to be just under two million over the next decade and a half.
A report released last year by Peel’s Metamorphosis Network revealed the extent of social services funding gaps in the provincial government’s spending.
(Metamorphosis Network)
The disparity in funding translates to 1.5 million residents getting $578 less annually for essential services such as housing, childcare, educational programs and seniors care, as well as non-profit community services including mental health support and youth programs.
This results in longer wait times and insufficient access to services for Peel residents, despite residents paying the same taxes as others across the province who receive much higher levels of service. The Network’s report concluded that Peel’s “nonprofit sector is growing less financially sustainable, and that municipal taxpayers are increasingly burdened with the costs of social services.”
Mississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish has been demanding a fair share of funding since stepping into the role in June after campaigning on the pledge during last year’s mayoral by-election. She turned her words into action in the months that followed, having one-on-one meetings with provincial officials, including Doug Ford, at Queen’s Park. Though Ford indicated his government “would look at staging some help,” the request later fell on deaf ears when the PCs failed to follow through during the annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference in Ottawa, when the request was officially made to provincial officials.
At the time, Parrish told The Pointer, “[it] seemed to land with a thud,” and that she “didn’t feel much progress was made on Peel’s underfunding for social issues.”
It appears the call is continuing to be ignored by PCs ahead of the vote this Thursday as the Party’s candidates remain silent on the issue.
“Peel is the most diverse, and fastest growing region in the province,” Gurpreet Malhotra, CEO of Indus Community Services, said in the release. “Racialized communities deserve as much funding support as everywhere else in the province, especially since they paid for these services through their Provincial tax dollar.”
“The Metamorphosis Network is asking candidates to examine this serious funding gap and commit to solving the problem. This is about people in Peel who rely on community and health services that help seniors, youth and families.”
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