In the last week of an election, candidates care more than you know: The Metamorphosis Network wants fair funding for Peel
Lots of people don’t like elections because they don’t like politics. I am not one of those people.
I spent the first half of my working life in politics. I have worked on dozens of campaigns at the municipal, provincial and federal levels, and I have sat with candidates in the last week of dozens of elections.
One thing that many people don’t realize about this last stretch of a campaign, is that every candidate is actually thinking the same thing – what if?
What if the 5 point drop in yesterday’s Abacus Poll continues? Or the 2 point drop in the Liaison poll? What if the latest Mainstreet Dashboard, showing the government edging into minority territory is right? What if?
I have worked on elections that were won or lost by inches – one by 138 votes, another by 46 votes. I have worked on a tie once, and one of the campaign workers had forgotten to vote.
At this point in the process, candidates are listening at the doors and looking at their emails, and wondering.
For people at home it may seem like the noise the campaigns make gets a lot louder in this last stretch of an election.
But I’m going to tell you a secret.
It’s actually every person who writes to a candidate or complains at the door who will sound 1,000 times louder to the candidate than usual – possibly louder than they will be in the next four years.
So if you have something you care about and want candidates to know – this is your moment.
Candidates are awake at night, deliberating: “Do I need to do one more thing to lock this up”. No candidate can stomach the idea of losing by a slim margin due to something they could have controlled.
Years later, I now use all those hours in campaign rooms, calming anxious candidates, to try and draw attention to issues that matter.
Everyone knows election promises can change overnight, but there are tactics that work better than others for holding candidates to a plan that will actually lead to a real solution to a problem.
So if you’re someone who would rather just change the channel until this election ends, or keep holding the mute button because the rhetoric is just too much – don’t do that. Use the power you have to shape things you care about.
(Metamorphosis Network)
For me, the terrible treatment Mississauga and Brampton get from the Ontario government is a big issue. These growing, diverse cities get half as much investment in community services – like affordable housing, youth programs, seniors support, and mental health services – compared to every other community.
The Metamorphosis Network, which brought together non-profit service providers across the region, has made it easy to take action. By visiting www.CutInHalf.ca there are easy ways to reach all the candidates in your area and share your thoughts about issues that matter to you.
There must be something you want your soon-to-be MPP to prioritize.
Chances are, your candidate has people working for them reading those emails right now. This was me for so many campaigns.
Because, in the last week of an election, candidates care more than you know.
Sean Meagher is the Coordinator for the Metamorphosis Network and the Cut in Half campaign.
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